before the waters drowned me - LadiesOfHive#79


before the waters drowned me - my Christian journey

I am now happy and contented as an agnostic person, but before discovering my true self, my past religions helped me in finding it. Therefore I believe that experiences like this deserve to be acknowledged.


It was on a hot summer day on April 23, 2018, when, for the first time in my entire existence, I felt born again.

I am a Roman Catholic at birth, raised by my conservative grandmothers in a small town in the province. During my early years, I was surrounded mostly by people of their kind, accompanied them to small religious gatherings every Sunday afternoon just for the free snacks (oh come on, I was a kid back then), even became part of a “cult-disguised-as-a-religious-activity” without realizing it and went to a Catholic school on 7th grade.

But still, I never really understood the Holy Rosary and its mysteries.

That’s why moving to a different city changed my thoughts about religion. Leaving the orthodox life I was used to, I started building up my circle of companions along with my new neighbors of the same age. They invited me to their church, a Born Again congregation. And just like a very “go with the flow” friend, I agreed.

Fast forward to April 23rd, the weather was fair and a bit windy, I held hands with people who also want to throw away their past selves and be “born again”.Together, we walked from the shore to the sea until our bodies were half-submerged in the blue.

That was the first step in my walk of faith.

Everything happened in a whirl. All I remember was when it was my turn, the pastor placed his right hand on my head, and lifted the other one while praying. Then I was doused in the waters.


And when I rose, my soul felt clean, as if I am a new person.


When you are a Christian, you are taught to always be grateful for everything that happens in your life, be it good or bad, because it is in accordance with God’s plan.

Or at least that’s what our church pastors used to say.

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These photos date back to 2017-2018

A lot of things changed after I rose out of the waters. Though I still go out and drink with my friends, curse when I’m mad, and skip prayers during meals and at bedtime, I do feel guilty after doing stuff that displeases the Lord and eventually asks for forgiveness after reflecting on my actions.

I go to church every Sunday, but sometimes laziness drains my optimism in digesting the word of God. Eventually, I got closer to the people in the church and was doing well in revamping my life. After attending the annual youth camp, I totally quit drinking and became dedicated to serving God and making myself worthy of His love.

I have raised my hands, closed my eyes, and sang my heart out on praise and worship. I cried during a prayer night because my parents would send me back to my old home if I don’t pass a prestigious school’s entrance exam, my heart was heavy because I am already attached to the church, so everyone prayed for me. I have witnessed people speaking in tongues and how they humble themselves.

I have seen churchmates who backslid and have always wondered why they did such a thing, why they decided to detach themselves from the Lord and his church, and why they neglected His love.

My walk of faith was not just a simple stroll, I stumbled, got back up, and got to pick up different life lessons along the way. Despite everything, I can say Christianity has been a wonderful part of my life.

But that was before the waters, the very sea that witnessed my new beginning, drowned me.

Photo at the top by Banabila on

It would be lovely if @karenb54 will also submit her entry<33

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