LOH#199: Freelancing or a stable pay

Hello beautiful ladies of Hive, for this week contest #199, this is my entry. Working from home as a freelancer or working outside the home where you get stable monthly pay?

For a moment, I would want to opt working outside home to get a stable payment due to the fact i have no fear in terms of when the market goes bad or good since am gonna receive my pay in full as most of the losses the employer tends to bear them. But then the disadvantages of being an employee is quite much compared to that of a freelancer.

Don't get me wrong, each and every work has it good and bad sides so we just have to choose which we want to stay with. Working from home has been one of the best decisions have made over the years and for a while I just sit and go into deep thoughts ๐Ÿ’ญ why I didn't get to start it much more earlier. The peace that comes knowing fully well you are ur own boss is overwhelming. I get to regulate my time which helps fix a proper schedule as to when I'll be available for this or that. Even though as a freelancer, we also bears the market risks just like in the case of an employer I still prefer working at home than out hoping that soon the market smiles at us while we keep striving to bring out the best in us.

All thanks to @jane1289 for bringing up this amazing prompt. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Thank you for your time, peace ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ

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