Ladiesofhive community contest//wk168: Hope for change in my country



Hello everyone, you are welcome to my blog

I thank God for today and grateful to be alive, am elated as my friend gave me a surprise visit today. When I was through with my activities today I decided to participate in #Ladiesofhive contest, topic this week by @Joanstewart, I will be writing on things that I observe needs serious change in my country especially affecting the girl child, also about the day that made me happiest

1️⃣ Any major changes planned for in 2024, or continuing as in the past?
Let us know what you see requires change in your country, region, or home.

Permit me to focus on the girl child because some of these factors really gets to me and makes me ponder on when and how solution will come.

The girl child security

The rate of kidnap on the girl child is on the high side in my part of the country now and it is alarming, the fact that it can happen even while one is indoor is the scary part of it, girls are vulnerable and are forced to do things against their will when kidnapped, some are raped, killed or forced into marriages to a total stranger, the happiness is already hindered leaving them shattered and confused, by the time they are rescued,that's if lucky to find help, this stigma continues to hunt them for life. The lack of justice has further aided the increase in rate of kidnapping leaving parents in fear and loss of hope.

Lack of wash facilities for girls in school

It's a difficult time for girls during period because of how to change and comfortability every month, more attention should be payed on the hygiene in schools to ensure the girl child is free from infection, I could still remember back then in Secondary School, a friend of mine always avoided school anytime she's on her period because she couldn't afford pad, she used tissue, this was a bother to her, and now interacting with girls in School they still lament on the difficulties they have during this time, if much attention is given to this aspect, it will help to create a brighter future and improve the well being of the girl child.

The government can help provide menstrual hygiene facilities to all girls in schools to support their learning so that they will not miss classes for fear of embarrassment and being stained.

3️⃣ Discriptive best day in your life so far — childhood, holiday, wedding, children, any day you feel made you the happiest.
A specific time when you found something profoundly affected your way of thinking, changed you, or simply made you happy!



Growing up I was a slow learner, it was really hard catching up and this made my dad unhappy, sometimes angry, I could barely write my own name correctly, each time I bring home my report card he will call my attention to it again that why is my name spelt incorrectly, well I just keep mute and stare at him, even the position is always going backwards like being 12th first term, 13th second term and 14th the third term, my siblings too were worried and often make jest of my position. I sit alone most times trying to figure out what is the matter, as young as I was I had the ability to think far.

After a while I started reading alone at night even when it's not yet exam time, my grandma was still alive then and was always begging me to go and sleep that I was using lantern and it should not affect my eyes, you know the way grandmothers are fond of their grandchildren. I pick exercises in my textbook ahead of classes especially maths and quantitative, I focused on my spellings too, guess what? that term when I was given my report card I took 4th position, not bad after all, when I gave it to my dad,the first thing he noticed was that my name was spelt correctly, surprised! he proceeded to check my position and saw 4th, he was so happy that I am improving gradually. This is why when I see kids who are slow learners I feel their pain and can see through them.

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