The Sensual Seduction of Scents! Three for me

They say that the best trigger of memory is scent.


And I would have to agree - because there are time when a whiff of something distinct can bring me RIGHT BACK to a specific moment in time. It's almost like I'm reliving the memory fresh - and new - and it's a little bit like time travel!

This week's Ladies of Hive contest is all about our three favorite smells. And just sitting here thinking of them is bringing a smile to my face!

The first one is one that makes my mouth water, - EVEN THOUGH it is not something that I'd want to eat!

Let's see if you can figure it out by the way I describe it.

It brings thought of cold winter nights, traipsing through the trails and hearing the hard packed snow crunch under your feet. You can feel the fuzzy lining inside your boots as you crinkle your toes to keep the blood flowing to them. You can see your breath puffing like smoke from your mouth, and feel the sting of the crisp air rushing back through the scarf and frosting your nasal passages. You can hear distant sounds of Christmas music from the parking lot as the salesman pipe it all over the area - hoping to keep their customers in the mood.

And then - you spy it- the perfect one. Not too tall, not too wide. With just enough holes in the branches to hang the large shining globes between the needles.

  • It smells spicy.
  • It smells pungent.
  • It smells green.
  • It smells fresh.

It is spruce! hehehe Did you guess it?? That brings back the memories from childhood, as we picked out our Christmas tree and were surrounded by the intoxicating scents of spruce needles! MMMMMM! Do you love that one too???

Onto scent #2

Oh... this one is already making my stomach growl in anticipation hehehe

Laying in the bed - lazy, since there is no school for days. Holiday time! But no holiday for mom! She is up early - before everyone else and making lots of noise in the kitchen. Blender whirring, metal clanging, drawers opening, click of the pilot light, squeak of the oven door - and then... mmmmm the smells waft in.

  • The warm toasty scent.
  • Sprinkles of cinnamon.
  • Hint of butter.
  • Swaths of sugar.
  • Can't mistake that tartness too!

Can you guess it???
The apple pie baking for Thanksgiving dinner! mmmmmmmmm! hehehehehe

There is nothing quite like waking up to the scent of that apple pie - knowing that come dinner time, it will be accompanied by a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream! The perfect end to a perfect feast!! yummy!!! How about you? What's your favorite pie? hehehe

And finally #3.

This one - ohhhh I haven't smelled it in so long, since I live in California - but I surely miss this!

It was a very common scent in Pennsylvania growing up with their lush land - green and fertile.

The sound of that CRACK, and the bright light snaking across the pale sky. Rolls of angry thunder following, and moving from one end of the horizon to the other - alerting all that the clouds above were soon to drop their heavy weight. Running back to the house before it let loose. Almost making it - but no! Fat summer droplets pelt us all. Are we squealing with frustration that we couldn't make it to the front door - or squealing in delight as we get soaked to the bones with warm showers from above! Since we're wet now, we might as well start splashing!

  • And then... the scent hits us.
  • That earthy comfort
  • That fresh zing
  • That loamy luxury
  • That saturated seduction
  • The oxidized ozone!

What is it???

The scent of a fresh rain on the forest floor.
Did you guess it???? Oh... that is like my secret addiction. I can just inhale and inhale and inhale - feeling my lungs fill to the brim with all that power-packed oxygen rushing through my nostrils!

How about you? Do you love it too? hehehehe

I hope that more people write about theirs... because I'm dying to know what scents ignite YOUR brain!

Let's see... is Miss @amberkashif in the Ladies of Hive community? If not - I invite you! hehehehe

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