Our May LOH Collaboration! Honoring Moms (Week 2)!

May is for MOMS! and what community could be better....

Yes, DreemPort's collaboration with Ladies of Hive is finally here! And the first week is already behind us and we are heading into week 2 now!

We are SO thrilled to collab with LADIES OF HIVE this month! If you haven't heard of Ladies of Hive (then you must be very new!!! hehe), here is their mission statement!

Our mission is to empower and encourage female/feminine/femme-identifying voices on Hive. We are here to support, uplift, and learn from one another. We believe female voices and ideas should find equal representation in all corners of the blockchain. This is an inclusive space and we welcome all who also support this vision.

and before you run away... MEN... YOU ARE INVITED!!!

yes. Yes. YES! Did you know that you've always been invited to be a part of this community? The Ladies of Hive SPECIFICALLY wanted you to know this...

Please be sure the gentlemen Dreemers know that they are, indeed, welcome to participate in the LOH weekly contests! We count anyone as allies if they're sensitive/respectful of women's rights and issues!

And with a topic as sweet as moms, who can resist??? As you will see from the questions on the LADIES OF HIVE CHALLENGE POST... This topic is regarding moms, or... people who have stood in the place of your mom as a special mom-figure! So EVERYONE can participate and is absolutely invited!!

And who knows, maybe one of you men will even rank in the top rankings this month? Bring your best and shine for your mom! hehe She would be so proud!!!

Additional prizes for our DreemPort winners.

Yes, as promised, we have some additional prizes for our DreemPort winners.

Week 2 DreemPort ranking Prizes:

1st place - 500 DREEM, 5 HBI, 500 @ecency points
2nd place - 300 DREEM, 3 HBI, 300 @ecency points
3rd place - 200 DREEM, 2 HBI, 200 @ecency points

Our DreemPort Winners for Week 1:

The same prizes were up for grabs in Week 1 and our winners are:

First Place: @Bipolar95!

Second Place: @moaz-sabir

Third Place: @hopestylist

Congratulations to you on this wonderful achievement.

Our TOP 5 Dreemers contributing to last week's Challenge were:

The results for the Top 5 in our LOH Challenge wasn't available yet on the website at the time of writing this post. So I wasn't able to include a screenshot for you. But I include the names of our Top 5 Dreemers with a link to each of their posts. Visit their awesome posts and support them by folllowing the links.

Well done!!! Keep up the good work!

Your Prompts for Week 2:

Here are your prompts from @cautiva-30 for Week 2:

  • The month of May is dedicated especially to mothers, what words would you use to show the immense love you feel for the woman who gives you her unconditional love? You can write your handwriting, inspirational words or a poem, to pay tribute and express your feelings towards your mother.
    When you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know." –Mitch Albom

  • It is often said that "every day should be Mother's Day." If you are a mother, describe how you show yourself how valuable and unique you are.

  • Is there a special recipe or tradition that is associated with your mom (or mom figure) that you would love to share with us?

You can drop your challenge post into DreemPort at any time this week - but be sure to indicate that it is for the LADIES OF HIVE CHALLENGE, and be sure that you drop it into DreemPort BY THURSDAY AT 4PM PACIFIC - if you'd like to be a part of the DreemPort ranking! The Ladies of Hive rankings will be in addition to that! yay for prizes!!!

👉Be sure to check out the LADIES OF HIVE challenge post with the questions for each week! Add contest #185 into your title, and be sure to drop a comment on their post with your link as well! This way - you're entered into BOTH places for prizes!!!👈

Also - if you enter ALL THREE WEEKS for the LOH challenge, you'll be eligible for our DreemPort Treasure Hunt at the end of May - and also a special LOH profile frame for your DreemPort profile!

If you'd like to get to know Ladies of Hive on a more personal level, feel free to drop into their Ladies of Hive Discord and introduce yourself!

This is going to be a special collab!!! I hope you're all as excited as we are ❤️

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Image credit for pink neon LADIES OF HIVE logo - @doze
LOH header used with permission from LOH ❤️
Some content from last week's introduction post wich is also relevant to this week, has been copdied and included in this post with the permission of @dreemsteem.

This post was written and posted by @jacoalberts for @dreemport teem.

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