
Stress! Stress! Stress!

This word is all so familiar with us now, most especially during the holiday season.
In fact, just like culture, it has become a normal way of life.

I remember vividly when I was younger, I craved that busy life.
Being the last born, most of the time, I was left alone at home while my older siblings went out for one thing or the other.
I didn't know what I was signing up for until I tasted adult life and saw the level of stress that comes with it.

The stress level is something else.
And worsens during the holiday seasons, being that it is a little bit unpredictable when compared to the other seasons.

During the holiday season, friends, families and long distant relatives are around.
And this might lead to a change in the normal schedule of things.


In my family we turn our holiday season into family reunion as that's the only period we are all together as a family.

During the last reunion, I was in charge of organizing the event.
In my bid to make everything go perfect and error-free, I had to stretch myself like never before.

Even though I began preparations early, there was no way I could avoid the stress. It got to a point where I nearly broke down.
I had to open up to my family members and tell them how the stress has been affecting me.
They decided to help me reduce it by shouldering some responsibilities with me.

I began delegating duties to everyone instead of carrying out all the duties myself.

I took out time to have a nap and I made sure to always sleep 7-8 hours each day.

I drank lots of water. This helped me to manage the stress.

I ate at the right time as well.

So ya'll this is my formula. That is how I was able to successfully manage stress.

Feel free to share with me how you handle yours.

Ciao!! 👋🏼

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