About the most devastating event in my life - Ladies of Hive Community Contest #83

I think my answer is very interesting, so I want to share it with all of you!

The most devastating event in my life was a fire that destroyed everything I owned except for the clothes on my back. I had just graduated from college, and I was living alone in an apartment above a bakery. My mother gave me a small fortune to help me start out on my own, but I used most of it to buy a new car and furnishings for my apartment. The only thing left after the fire were my clothes and some books.

My first reaction when I realized what happened was to scream and cry. But then I remembered that I didn't have any money or identification papers with me, so I couldn't go anywhere. I could hardly believe that the fire started by accident. I thought about calling my mother to tell her what had happened, but I knew she would be worried sick. So I went outside and stood under a tree until the tears stopped flowing. Then I walked around looking at the damage. Everything was gone; even the walls were charred black. I kept walking around and crying for hours before I finally sat down on the curb. It took me several days to stop thinking about what might have been if I had made different choices.


A few weeks later, I found out that the insurance company wouldn't pay because they said the fire wasn't accidental. They said it was arson. I never did find out who set the fire, but I know it was someone who hated me. I felt like such a fool. After all, I'd done nothing wrong. I just wanted to live my life without being bothered by anyone. I guess I'm not as strong as I thought I was.

I met a nice man while I was staying with friends. He's a computer programmer and we got married, but I still can't get over the fact that my life turned out so differently than I planned. I've tried to move on, but sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and see the flames licking up through the roof. Sometimes I feel like there are ghosts everywhere I look, watching me, waiting for me to make a mistake so they can take away everything I love. And then I wonder if I'll ever be able to trust anyone again.

It's funny how much you can learn about yourself when something terrible happens. I wish I hadn't wasted so many years trying to please everyone else. Now I know that no one will ever love me as much as I love myself. I hope someday I'll be happy again, but right now I don't care about anything except getting rid of those ghosts.

This is my entry into the contest. Hope you enjoy reading it!

I invite @mari3 to the community. Thanks for reading!

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