Hello everyone, this story I’m about to tell you guys didn’t happen this year, it happened like two years back but it’s actually memorable and recent because since then I have learnt to be very careful while cooking in the kitchen.
So on that fateful morning there was no food in the house, so I had to get something done for us to eat so that we could all start our day, because everyone was going to one place or the other, then we decided to make some fast stew and rice in Nigeria we call it (kpa kpa kpa stew).

So our gas stove had burners, one had kettle on it while the other one I used it to boil rice, since the stew wouldn’t take much time, I decided to cook the rice first, while the rice was almost getting ready, my brother’s engineer came visiting and this man is one of the most funniest man I have ever known, just as soon as he arrived he had already started to make us laugh, so I left the sitting room and went back to the kitchen, removed the cooked rice from heat and placed a pot of oil on the burner and went back to sitting room to continue laughing from the man’s jokes, now I had already forgot that I had a pot of hot oil on the burner.

Our neighbors child that was going to get something from outside the compound saw that the pot had caught fire, and she started shouting, Immediately she carried the pot with the fire in it and threw it outside not knowing that her kid sister was running towards that direction, and some of the oil splashed on her, I couldn’t believe my eyes.. everybody came and was shouting, the childs mother took the child inside the house and applied some ointment on the spots, I was so grateful to God that it wasn’t more than that, and since then I knew I had to be extra carefull while cooking and not to get carried away by some silly jokes or television.

(A Meta AI Imagined photo)

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