Cosmetic surgery, yes or no? (LOH #177)

Hello Ladies of HIVE and welcome to my blog. I hope everyone is having a nice week. This is my first post in this community and I am very excited.

I want to share my opinion concerning the topic. If money wasn't the problem, would I consider getting a cosmetic surgery?

Well there are reasons that makes one consider getting a cosmetic surgery. It could be to boost one's self-esteem. Teenagers after hitting puberty start to feel more conscious about themselves, for example, how they dress, what people think about them, are they beautiful?,etc.

As a teenager myself, I do think about that too. From high school, you meet different people and wanting to feel among makes you very conscious of your physical appearance. To be honest, there were a lot of times I didn't feel among with my classmates then in highschool, even now sometimes. I was almost the smallest in stature in my class but I wasn't the youngest and I wasn't even as endowed as the rest of the girls in the my class in terms of physical appearance.

I did feel bad about my stature but there was nothing I could do about it. I see in movies or reality shows, celebrities or those who are rich enough to afford a cosmetic surgery doing it, probably to build their self-esteem or feel more proud about their bodies. As for me, the only thing I was sure that I was really proud of about my self was my skin color and smoothness, especially my face. I have a dark brown skin. A few photographers and makeup artists have told me that I would fit for a skincare model.

I started to look at myself in the mirror and tell myself "hey Debbie! You're beautiful just the way you are and you don't need anything to change you!" That was how I started encouraging myself and boost my self-esteem.

My answer to the question in the topic would be NO. Even if money isn't a problem, I wouldn't consider having a cosmetic surgery.english
I'm not condemning those who do it, no one is perfect of course.

Apart from the fact that my family doesn't encourage using artificial means to enhance your beauty, I learnt to admire myself the way I am. Even if I was to have a cosmetic surgery, I realized that it isn't a one time process because I would have to keep maintaining it and that means it would also be a constant reminder to me for the rest of my life that that isn't the real me. I may not be as endowed as other girls of my age but I've decided not to let that affect me anymore.

I would like to say this to the ladies out there, if you feel pressured into doing something, you could first think about it "is it worth taking the risk?" If yu you think it is worth it then you can go ahead and if you aren't sure, yu can seek advice.

As a word of encouragement, I would like to say that you are beautiful regardless of you age, skin color, stature or facial appearance. You are the only you, so what's the point trying to be different. You are beautifully and wonderfully made so don't let anyone make you think otherwise.

Thank you for reading my post and have a wonderful week.

The image used in this post is mine and the post was written by me.

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