Community Contest #154: What if I die Tomorrow? [ENG-ESP]



Greetings to all women that move this beautiful community. This is a new week and with a new week comes a new contest.

When I first read the original post I immediately answered the questions in my mind, they're the type of questions that resonate automatically with your life and what you have been thinking lately. That being said, it's time for me to answer both now that the thoughts are still fresh in my mind.

1️⃣ If you were to die tomorrow, what would you wish you would have done while you were still alive?

For this question the answer is very simple: nothing. I am fortunate that in my life I have lived endless experiences and I have had the freedom to experience and learn all that I have wanted, which is a privilege not many people get to have. I come from a humble place, a quite complicated upbringing, and that is why from a very young age I have been certain that I don't want to perpetuate that cycle, that I had to break some things if I wanted to be happy.

Starting with my career, my family always opposed because they wanted me to pursue something that would guarantee I'd have a more stable economy and for them Arts was not a serious career.

I made my biggest effort working and studying to finance myself all that and not depending on anybody's approval. I had my daughter in my own terms as well, and I continue living my life bravely. I have experienced everything that has awaken my curiosity, I have tried to learn as much as I can and taken full advantage of my time in this earthly realm. That is why if I was to die tomorrow I would be satisfied with what I have lived.


2️⃣ What is your big dream for your life? If money were no object and you could do with your time whatever you wished, what would you do with it? What would you create?

As I mentioned before, I graduated Art School. Art has always been my passion since I have memory, if I have ever been certain of something, it is that I wanted to choose this path.

Unfortunately it is not something that really allows me to make a living on itself by now, so I do a lot of things on top of that and I haven't been able to create as much as I would want to.

If money wasn't an obstacle I would dedicate fully to my artwork. I would have my own study, a big one, and I would have enough time and resources to be able to grow as an artist.

Thank you for reading me, the best of luck to everybody.

The picture was taken my me with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 cellphone.



Un saludo a todas las mujeres que movemos esta hermosa comunidad. Es una nueva semana y con ello un nuevo concurso.

Al leer la publicación original inmediatamente respondí mentalmente las preguntas, son ese tipo de preguntas que resuenan automáticamente con tu vida y lo que has venido prensando últimamente. Dicho esto ahora me dispongo a responder ambas ya que tengo muy fresco en mi cabeza lo que venía pensando.

1️⃣ Si murieras el día de mañana, ¿Qué desearías haber hecho mientras aún tenías vida?

Para está pregunta la respuesta es muy sencilla: nada. Tengo la fortuna de que en mi vida he vivido un sinfín de experiencias y he tenido la libertad de experimentar y aprender cuánto he querido, lo cual se que es un privilegio del que gozan pocas personas. Vengo de un lugar humilde, una crianza un tanto complicada, y es por eso que desde muy temprana edad tuve muy claro que no quería seguir en ese ciclo, que debía romper con ciertas cosas si quería ser feliz.

Empezando por mi carrera universitaria, mi familia se oponía firmemente ya que deseaban que estudiara algo que me fuera a dar estabilidad económica y para ellos las artes no eran una carrera seria.

Hice mi mayor esfuerzo en trabajar y estudiar para ser yo quien me costeara todo y no depender de la aprobación de nadie. Tuve a mi hija bajo mis propios términos, y continúo viviendo mi vida con valentía. Todo lo que me ha despertado curiosidad lo he experimentado, he intentado aprender lo más que he podido y sacarle jugo a mi tiempo en este plano terrenal. Es por eso que si tuviera que morir mañana me sentiría satisfecha con lo que he vivido.


2️⃣ ¿Cuál es el mayor sueño de tu vida? Si el dinero no fuera un obstáculo y pudieras hacer con tu tiempo lo que quisieras, ¿Qué harías con el? ¿Qué crearias?

Cómo he mencionado anteriormente, me gradué de la Escuela de Artes . El arte ha sido mi pasión desde que tengo memoria, y si de algo ht estado segura en mi vida ha sido de haber escogido este rumbo.

Lamentablemente no es algo de lo que realmente pueda vivir por ahora, así que me dedico a un sinfín de cosas más y no he creado tanto como quisiera.

Si el dinero no fuera un obstáculo me dedicaría de lleno a las artes. Tendría mi propio estudio, uno grande, y tendría tiempo y recursos para poder crecer libremente como artista.

Muchas gracias por leerme, muchísima suerte a todas.

La fotografía fue tomada por mi con mi teléfono Xiaomi Redmi Note 9.


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