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If there is one thing I dislike so much, it has to be stress. I really dislike it when I am stressed or when anything stressed me out or tries. The reason is because I get frustrated easily and I do not like it when I feel frustrated. However, times like these are inevitable in our day to day activities and lives in general, so whether one likes it or not, it is just very reasonable to develop a coping mechanism to get through that moment or phase.

Most of the times, the kind of stress I go through is mental stress. There are times I feel like I have a lot to do and I feel very scattered, I panic and get overwhelmed. Before I realize it, the whole thing might be getting to me, making me feel very stressed and disorganized. So, instead of ranting or crying as I would do on a normal day when I feel that way, I will just take a deep breath in and out and like magic, it calms me almost immediately. It might not take away all of my frustration but it gets my head in a better place and make me see things more clearly.

I calm myself down and try to take control of the entire situation, instead of the other way round. Also, music helps greatly or podcasts as the case may be. I have always been a very great lover of music and we all can testify to the healing abilities that some songs can hold, depending on the kind of mood you are in. It can be so therapeutic and it helps me to think better and get to whatever I am meant to do. A little journaling helps sometimes too, writing my scattered thoughts down so I can make sense out of them and organize myself better.

It is very fascinating what the mind is capable of, we decide our lifestyle and habits ourselves. The trick is to learn to control one's mind and body, and not allow it to control itself. Being in charge makes one more present and gives more clarity. Panicking and getting angry at oneself would not sort what is meant to be sorted, it will just produce stress, confusion and restlessness. The best thing to do is to try and control the situation and if possible, even prevent it from happening by doing the right thing at the right time. I am also learning to teach myself this gradually as we are all works in progress. Sometimes, being human can be very hectic and we just have to face it anyways, right?

Thanks for reading ❤️

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