❤️ 🧶 🧵Knot Another Knitting Tutorial - Part One❤️ 🧶 🧵

Part of me is wondering what the hell I was thinking. I bought some wool and nice big 7.5 MM needles from the wool shop next door to our house yesterday.

I've been inspired by a number of my friends who are knitting scarves and blankets for vulnerable people. The homeless crisis in Cape Town is horrific and it's heartbreaking to think of how so many people are battling to stay warm, and it's even more tragic to think of the amount of people that pass away to exposure on cold winter nights.

I am also waiting for my next project. Pickings are thin at the moment. There seems to be an unbalanced ratio between available orders and freelancers. There are just too many of us, and being new on the platform means I have to work just that much harder to convince people that I am the right choice for the job... but it's disheartening and frustrating.

So, to keep myself sane in between projects, I have decided to take up knitting. It is supposed to be meditative.

Let me tell you right now, that I have tried knitting before and it usually ends in tears and swearing. The last time I tried I was pregnant with @matthew-williams. It will be interesting to see how I do this time.

I started out by buying a bright pink ball of yarn - because it sparks joy for me. Then I remembered I had forgotten how to cast on!

After watching countless YouTube videos, and casting on and pulling apart my stitches several times, I think I've finally got into the swing of things.

Once you have developed your own rhythm it is actually quite lovely.

I miss having my mom and gran around to help me pick up dropped stitches and guide me along the way. The in-person help goes a long way.

Here's a little of what I learned last night.

  1. Don't give up
  2. You don't have to be perfect
  3. Remember what you are doing it for and ensure the end goal inspires joy in you: this will keep you motivated
  4. Tension is important. Not too much and not too little
  5. Count your stitches!

Here is a little video I made when I finally figured out how to cast on after almost throwing my knitting in the bin. I'm glad I didn't! I managed three whole rows! I am knitting a scarf and cast on 50 stitches.

After knitting a few rows I realize space is a little cramped on the needles, but it is going to be the right width. And even if it's not perfect, it's going to keep someone warm ❤️

Disclaimer: this is NOT designed to be a knitting tutorial series. I just want to keep track of my progress and impart some tricks if I can, but don't blame me if your knitting looks like a dog's breakfast 😂

Happy knitting everyone!

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