❤️ 🧶 🧵Knot Another Knitting Tutorial - Part Two - A Stitch In Time❤️ 🧶 🧵

There's something so satisfying about those little neat rows of stitches. Knitting reminds me of my gran. The two of us were deeply close. I also spent time knitting with my mom. It's a deeply meditative process and can actually be very healing, once you get over a few frustrating hurdles to start and you let go of it needing to be perfect.

Why did I start knitting in the first place? Well, honestly, I'm between books at the moment and feeling quite useless. I find doing something for others when my life seems out of control gives me peace. So, I got it into my head that I'd knit for people less fortunate than me, that need something to keep them warm.

I have no delusions of grandeur here. I will knit scarves and MAYBE one day I'll try a blanket, but it's a lot of work. It does tend to fly by if you get into watching something like your favourite series. Then you just kind of get lost in the rhythm. It's easy to make silly mistakes like dropping stitches and getting the yarn caught up in a knot, so you do need to pay some attention to what you are doing.

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with my progress and it's giving me little doses of dopamine, which I really really need right now.

So even with its faults and occasional knot or hole, and despite its ridiculously bright colour - which is not usually my style- it is, without a doubt, bringing me joy.

And so the knitting continues <3

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