My Romantic Dream Wedding Loh 128

Hello hivians, it's so good to be here to share my thoughts on this week's prompt, I mean @ifarmgirl, you killed it this week girl. Every girl has got a dream wedding and you know why because dreaming is free. So buckle up and let me take you on my dream journey, ENJOY.


As I said earlier, to dream is free. Well, my dream wedding usually begins with me being proposed to by a charming, good-looking macho man that just screams HOT!

We would have had time to court each other for about eighteen months and then he would propose to me in the most romantic way ever and I would say Yes and all my friends would be so happy or envious, whichever angle they wish to pitch but nothing would kill the joy I feel in my heart, for soon enough I would belong to my prince charming and he would be mine FOREVER.

Now, I would start making plans for my wedding, oh of course it's my dream wedding in my dream so I have got the cash to spend and so I will hire a superb wedding planner.

The wedding will take place on a beach towards sunset so that the reception will kick off and run into the night till everyone is drunk and dunked.

For the decorations, I would like to have fresh lily flowers alongside beautiful red roses lined all around the venue. I would also like the dress code of the day to carry a touch of purple and gold because the color purple depicts royalty and gold depicts glamour.

I would have all my ladies in waiting or bridesmaids as it is popularly known and referred to here in Nigeria, looking fabulous but of course, no one is to be more beautiful than me on my wedding day (I don't want anyone stealing my spotlight).

Moving on I also imagine my wedding dress, oh my gosh, it would be the most beautiful thing I have laid eyes on with intricate designs and a train that is to die for. I mean it would be about 20 feet long. Just imagine that spread of gold silk on white sand, captivating right? Now you got my point. I hope you know that while I am treating myself to being spectacular so also my prince charming is also prepping up to dazzle me.

Talking about making myself spectacular for my wedding would not be complete without a visit to the spa, for some nice massage, pedicure, manicurists treatment, facials,s and all those girlie stuff we do at the spa.

Finally, the day arrives after months of planning. I see myself being adorned with beautiful trinkets and jewelry, my hair has been made beautifully and a tiara rests beautifully on my head. I have always wanted to be a princess when I was quite little, to wear tiaras all day so maybe this is my outlet even if it's for a little while.

Time to head to the wedding venue and a white limousine is sent to pick me up. I enter in style, my ladies-in-waiting are also being conveyed in another limousine and we head to the beach.

Immediately I alight from the limousine, I hear the tunes of that all so familiar tune that plays, here comes the bride, here comes the bride, and right on cue, everyone both family and guests rise to honor me, the latest bride in town.

I see myself walking with my head held high on the red carpet sprayed out that extends to the altar. I raise my head and my eyes catch a glimpse of the groom and I forget to breathe because when I see him, it's like a dream (even in the dream) it feels surreal. He stands there beside the altar looking all macho and perfect with his broad shoulders enhanced by the suit he is wearing and wearing that charming smile that makes me go weak in the knees. He is just perfect.

Well, I snap out of my thoughts and begin the bridal march towards the altar to meet my beloved and finally be legally his. I march ever so softly as I capture the faces of those within my view, I see some smiling, some wiping tears of joy from their eyes and others nodding in approval at what they believe is the right thing I am doing.

Despite my slow and elegant march, I make it on time to the altar where my groom receives my hand and helps me stand facing him and then the priest begins to officiate while the congregation is seated and eagerly and tentatively waiting to hear our vows and I believe to see us kiss but they will have to wait a while. The priest begins and it's time to say our vows and exchange the wedding rings or bands.

I take the hand of my prince charming and I look him in the eyes as I say my vows like this;

"Before I met you, I thought I would never gain on love but here I am in love with you. You are my dream, my soulmate, my best treat my ride or die and I am glad that I get to do life with you. If I could give you the whole world, I would but it's not mine to give right here I give you my world, all of me, and my heart, I claim you as mine for all eternity and not even death is strong enough to separate us, I love you".

When I am done, I slip the ring into his finger and kiss his hand, he also takes my hand and says his vow like this.

"My love my star, my heart. My world when I met you, my world was at a standstill but you came and changed my life, my views, and my perceptions. You are more to me than air and I would give my everything just to see you smile, my angel. You light up my life and I am glad that you are mine for all times. I promise to love, cherish and respect you till death do us part, I love you".

He also slips the ring on my finger and we kiss. As we do it was like time stopped, no one else mattered at that moment just the two of us. Well, we broke the kiss amidst the cheers and clapping and the priest said the best words of the day, the very words I have been waiting for. He said you are now officially Mr. and Mrs. Daniel. Congratulations.

The crowd went wild with cheering and clapping and soon it was time to head to the reception venue. Of course, we took a little detour to change our outfits and have some light refreshments to have energy for dancing.

The ride to the reception was smooth as hubby and I cuddled inside the limousine. The best part of the reception was the couple dancing and when we stepped onto the dance floor to dance, the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran began playing.


Hubby wrapped his hands around my waist while I did the same and held unto home as we danced. Indeed we looked perfect and this day feels perfect. Then the alarm rings and its time to leave dreamland, for now, glad you could join me on my dream ride

Thanks for reading.. Love you guys, peace out.

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