Contest:: My virtue people would consider as defect.

Welcome you beautiful ladies and handsome men to my page once again, I appreciate anyone who stops by to check my post.

This post is a true life story of myself, sometimes we face challenges as a result of the type of creature we choose to be.

Everyone in life has the freedom of chosen who they want to be and how they would live their lives.

Let's discuss my virtue or quality some people use against me.


When I was growing up as a child I gradually developed some qualities that will help me in coping with life challenges, and patience was one of those good qualities I saw rewarding when cultivated tho it takes lots of time to build patience up in our live.

what is patience

In a lay man definition patience is just the act of having a waiting attitude in our daily living, it also involves enduring some toxic situations in life.
Patience is a Godly quality that benefits anyone who cultivates it.

But unfortunately some people consider my patience in life as a defect in many circumstances.

Life experience

Three years ago when my brother had an accident people encouraged me to deal with the victim but I decided to be patient with him pending when he gets money to assist in my brothers hospital bill.
But on the long run the victim took my patience for granted and ran away and he never returned to check on my brother till this moment am writing this post.
When some friends noticed that I was patient with the victim and he mistreated me they got angry with me because they think that I have failed or that am weak but that was not true, I was just allowing time to do it's work.
At the long run the victim faced justice but not from me but from another relative who he knocked down their brother with his car again.

In other occasions people who includes members of my family have come to a conclusion that am so weak and defensive because I don't act immediately I give time and act with a reason.

But the question is what have I achieved by being patient.
Obviously I have been a very happy person, I have been able to strengthen my relationship with my family and friends just because am patient with them no matter what.

why be patient

Firstly our heavenly father has been patience towards humans and in imitation of him I need to cultivate that quality.
To survive in this aggressive world everyone needs to be patient in thier dealings with people because people upset fellow humans always.
Patiently will help us to be more focused in our lives and remain healthy.

Please dear friend what is your virtue, feel free to engage.

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