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The Song That Stirs My Heart: Contest Edition #91

An obvious activity found in hive communities is the organization of contest. I want to appreciate the team for organizing this contest for the members of ladies of hive community. It presents our emotions and perception towards life.
In this article, I will be talking about one of my favorite song, whenever it’s been played, I react to it positively.

Guess the Title Of The Song?
The title of the song is “ We are the world”. It was sang by Late Micheal Jackson. Am sure I don’t need to remind anyone of who Michael was. He was a singer.


Why Does It Stirs Me Up
The lyric of the song is what stirs me up my heart to love everyone especially the poor who got nothing in Life. I am not saying you shouldn’t love the rich, the rich got no problems. How about those who got noting to eat?


Lessons I Learnt
The poor we always find around us but let’s show them love by feeding and caring for them despite our religious differences. “We are all the part of Gods great big family but we need love for it”.

I invite @monica-ene and @littlebee4 to please join this contest.

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