Impact Of Fidelity | LOH Contest #162

Hello everyone, this is my first time of posting an entry here, I'm so happy to be here.

Getting cheated on is one of the worst feeling in the world. And it doesn't matter how long you have been together whether years or month or days but doing it can damage a relationship totally. Infidelity is something that can destroy a marriage, a family, and all the lives connected to it. It’s something we all hope will never happen to us. Cheating brings about heartbreak along with it, it also leads to broken marriages or divorces, intense consequences such as anxiety, chronic stress, depression and low self-esteem issues. According to recent data gathered from the General Social Survey in 2023, 20% of men and 13% of married women are unfaithful to their spouse.

Infidelity in a relationship refers to one party being unfaithful both physical, emotional and sexual intimacy with someone outside the agreed. Infidelity may or may not only involve sexual encounters, and it can also happen in person or online too.

I strongly believe in Long life fidelity and It's very important when it comes to relationship or marriage. Before I did my wedding I discussed about fidelity with my partner and it's a good thing to discuss about during courtship. It's the only one key that determined whether a relationship thrive or fail. Fidelity to me is an indicator of the value of integrity, respect, commitment and trust both partner places in a relationship. The thing that really matter is how you and your partner defined fidelity together. Without fidelity relationship can quickly break down, leading to feeling of betrayal, hurt, lost of friendship, breakups or divorces and mistrust.

Fidelity take places when a partner loves and faithful to each other, and it helps to create a sense of security and stability in the relationship. This sense of security and stability can help to strengthen the bonds between partner and create a deeper connection. Fidelity also helps to build a strong foundation and honestly in the relationship. Fidelity also bring about Good memories, happiness and joy within the husband, wife and children.

Prevention is better than cure, let learn to avoid infidelity totally In marriage by working on our relationship save both of you a lot of heartbreak. Let learned to create a atmosphere of love. People who are deeply in love with each other don't even think about being with someone else.

The longer a relationship lasts, the greater the trust and togetherness, the feeling of belongings together becomes stronger and slowly displaces the initial butterflies and the excited tingling on every date.

Thanks for your time on my post.

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