The Mind's Eye: Week #13 │ Christmas, family time.

Christmas, special time,
time of love in the hearts,
the shine of joy and love.
Time of peace, of understanding,
of family and union...

Source of the main image in pixabay.


Talking about Christmas always brings a smile to my face. It means for me, a time of the meeting, sharing, hugging, feeling, living beautiful and special moments with the people I love.

This year, especially, Christmas at this time has a different meaning, more important, more meaningful, more nostalgic.

In my country, Venezuela, many people have had to emigrate in search of a better future outside our roots. This has meant many family breaks and separations.

In my family, two of my nieces have been out of the country for more than two years, almost three, times in which, I have not been able to see them or hug them in person in any month of the year.


It is strong and very sad, but I am not here to make them sad, but to make them feel and remind them that Christmas is a beautiful time and that we must keep it that way, cultivating family customs regarding these days, keeping the feeling intact and giving it the meaning it deserves.

This year, the quarantine had separated us for the whole year, but, in December, part of the family got together again.

I traveled with my brother and my son, to a nearby city, and there, we celebrated, waiting for the arrival of the Child God, as a family, with our customs, some of which I present to you in this publication.


Christmas is celebrated in different ways in many parts of the planet. However, the feeling is one, it is Universal.

Christmas is light, union, peace, love, joys, beautiful feelings, and traditions. In my family, we gather to share Christmas Eve, with a family dinner.


Despite the economic crisis that is lived in our country, where everything has become unreachable, in December we make the effort and we try to share as much as possible a meal, that yes, at a family table.

Hallacas are the queens of Venezuelan Christmas food, the main dish. A Venezuelan Christmas has to contain hallacas, because, besides being delicious, they bring with them much, much tradition and sharing.

The preparation of the hallacas is a ritual where the family participates and shares the accomplishment.



Before Christmas, the ingredients are bought and everything is put in place for the day of preparation, among all the members of the family group, to prepare the necessary ones.

The hallaca is prepared with precooked corn flour, and a stew of meat, chicken, pork, also made previously.

A portion of the stew is placed on the extended dough and it is accompanied by other elements that give it the Christmas flavor (capers, olives, raisins, onion, and paprika strips).

It is wrapped in banana tree leaves and tied with a thick thread. They are boiled for an hour and then they are ready to eat.


Usually, quite a few hallacas are prepared and stored in the refrigerator, then heated when you go to eat, especially on the day of the Christmas dinner.

We share that night as a family, in love, big and small. The little ones wait for the coming of Santa Claus or in Venezuela, the Baby Jesus, who, after asking for a letter, bring them gifts (usually toys), for having behaved well during the year that is ending.


This year's table, thank God, was well stocked and delicious. We were grateful to have health and to be together sharing, since, it was a quite complicated and even sad year for many. You always have to be grateful for what you have and especially in difficult times.


This year, my sister-in-law made apart from the hallacas, a roasted pork leg, chicken salad with potatoes, carrot, and apple, seasoned with mayonnaise.


The ham bread that cannot be missing (bread stuffed with ham and bacon with raisins and olives, ummmm, a real delight).

And for dessert, a delicious Maria Luisa-style cake, consisting of a rich sponge cake dipped in condensed milk and decorated with prunes. And of course, that night we didn't remember the diet at all hahaha.


After the meal, we met to talk and share until the early morning and watch the spectacle of the children uncovering their Christmas gifts. Sharing as a family, the best of Christmas.

I am very grateful to have arrived at this time of year and to the blockchain for having provided me with a great part of the economic means to bring my family this beautiful moment.


It is always nice to enjoy the beautiful moments of life. I love to share in this space, my joy, and the happiness of being together with my loved ones.

I pray that all the families in the world can always be together.


My Prince and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of beautiful moments with your families.


Thanks to the beautiful family of @thealliance, to my friend @latino.romano, who devised this contest where we can display our creativity and feelings to write about different topics, and, to @enginewitty for contributing its positive energy and support to this fabulous initiative to express ourselves as we are.


The best voices are those born from the heart.


Thank you for taking the time for this reading.



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