daily life_240906 일상

사진 : 저녁식사 장소 [ 대전 중구 유천로 39 장수 버섯 마을 ]

Tomorrow was my older brother's wife birthday, and I had a delicious dinner with him and his wife and my wife.

We had cordyceps shabu hot pot ( 59,000 won ), which was enough for four people.
The cordyceps shabu-shabu hotpot contains cordyceps, mushrooms, vegetables, and shabu-shabu meat, so it's delicious and healthy.

It was a bit rainy this evening and there were a lot of dinner customers in the restaurant.

오늘은 형수님 생일을 맞이하여 형님과 형수님을 모시고 아내와 함께 맛있는 저녁식사를 했어요.

동충하초 샤브전골( 59,000원 )로 4명이서 배부르게 먹었어요.
동충하초 샤브전골은 동충하초, 버섯, 야채, 샤브용 고기 등이 들어있어 맛도 좋고 건강에도 좋습니다.

오늘 저녁은 약간의 비가 내렸고 식당에는 저녁 손님들이 많이 계셨네요.

사진 : 망고빙수와 바닐라 라떼

After eating, I went to a nearby cafe and ordered a mango shaved ice and a vanilla latte.
You can't see how big the portions are because it's taken from above, but the mango shaved ice was huge and really delicious.

We talked about life and family, and then we parted ways. I'm sorry, but I'll see you next time.
I hope my older brother family is doing well.

Yesterday was the World Cup qualifier between Korea and Palestine, and Korea drew 0-0 at home against Palestine. We had several chances but couldn't convert them into goals. At the end, Korea was in danger of losing a goal, but the goalkeeper saved the game. It was a frustrating game to watch.
I hope we can win the next game against Oman.

식사를 하고 가까운 카페로 이동해서 망고빙수와 바닐라 라테를 주문했어요.
위에서 찍은 사진이라 양이 얼마인지는 모르실텐데요. 망고빙수 양도 많고 정말 맛있었네요.

사는 이야기하며 가족 이야기하다 헤어졌어요. 아쉽지만 다음에 또 만나요.
형님 가족 모두 건강하길 바랍니다.

어제는 한국과 팔레스타인의 월드컵 예선전이 있었는데 우리나라가 약체 팔레스타인을 상대로 홈경기에서 0 대 0의 무승부를 기록했어요. 찬스가 여러번있었지만 골로 연결되지 못했어요. 마지막에는 우리나라의 실점의 위기에 다행히 골기퍼 선방으로 위기를 넘겼어요. 정말 보는내내 답답한 경기였어요.
다음 오만전 원전경기는 꼭 승리하길 바랍니다.

Thank you for reading my post. 😀

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I'd like to share some of this week's author rewards.
This week, I'm giving away 1 HSBI to 3 lucky Friends.

@amigoponc @edith-4angelseu @deeanndmathews

Dear friends
Stay healthy and happy. ❤️

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