You can still go through mental health issues even if you are mentally strong!

Mental health is still a less discussed topic. Though people are becoming more conscious about it nowadays. But there are still many myths, wrong conception about it. One of these major misunderstood things about mental health is 'mentally stronger one doesn't usually go through mental health issues.'



It's true mentally stronger one has more capability to deal with mental health issues than others, but that doesn't make themselves less vulnerable. Rather sometimes the opposite happens. Because they don't usually talk about it because of 'what others will think'. As we usually treat themselves strong so we also don't take them seriously sometimes. So they end up getting less help.

So you see, we have a very wrong concept about this and making this hard for any mentally strong person to get support. Even if you are the one, know that it's totally okay if you face any mental issues. There's nothing wrong to ask for support.

What do we need from our end to break this misconception?

  • Increase awareness.

Educate yourself and others to break the myths and misconceptions about mental health.

  • Help others no matter what personality they carry.

It's hard to deal with mental health issuers all alone. So even anyone is mentally strong, be beside them to support.

And, if you are the one who needs help, then practice to open up about it, ask for help if needed. Perform a different behavioral, emotional, and mental exercise to make yourself more capable. Don't hesitate to go for any professional help.

You see, this is really challenging for anyone. That's the reason it's necessary to be aware to help and get help if needed. I hope this gonna help you a little bit to deal with mental health issues in a better way!

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