Is The World Overpopulated And What Can We Do To Solve The Issue? - An Answer To EcoTrain QOTW 10.4

The rapid growth of the Human population in recent decades has dramatically shifted the daily experience of life on Earth. There is no way around it, life is harder for most people simply because of the sheer volume of people that currently exist and the damage being done to the surface of the planet is ever increasing. We need to understand some of the hidden parts to human history in order to find solutions to such large and all encompassing problems.


Image Source: Population Matters

Depopulation Conspiracy vs Human Growth

As it turns out, several groups have allegedly taken it upon themselves to covertly lower the world's population over the decades; with debatable results. Activist, Kevin Galalae wrote several books on this topic and went on a long term hunger strike to draw public attention to the situation. His data shows that certain groups have been poisoning humanity via the water supply for generations in order to lower the reproduction rate. Water fluoridation consistently has a dramatic lowering effect on reproduction rates in every country that it is introduced to. Fluoride has long been known to be an endocrine system disruptor in humans, which directly affects reproduction. Kevin's data deserves more attention.

My main point here is that there are many aspects to this story that are not commonly reported on or being understood.

The Haber Process

It is a little known fact that the rapid growth in human population seen since the middle of the 1900s was only made possible by a chemical process that enables us to hugely increase the amount of fertilizer available for growing crops. The Haber Process results in the production of large amounts of Ammonia, which is key in producing industrial fertilizers that are used by modern farmers when producing food crops.


Image Source: Wikipedia

Humans would need roughly four times the amount of land to grow the food currently used than we currently use if it weren't for the Haber process. This would equate to more than 50% of the entire land on Earth needing to be used for agriculture to sustain the current population. Clearly, humans would not be able to sustain such massive operations and would probably quickly realize they need to lower their populations (or be forced to by starvation).

As this piece by the 'Oxford Scientst' points out:

“nearly 50% of the nitrogen found in human tissues originated from the Haber-Bosch Process”

Industrialization is Driving Population Growth

We cannot understand human population levels without understanding both the Haber process and also the way that industrialization is driving the population growth. While the commonly discussed factors involved in population growth, such as families having many children to try to combat poverty or due to particular religious beliefs, are relevant - they would not be having the cumulative effect that they are having if it were not for the scientific process the growth relies on.

In some ways we can think of the growth of cancer as being somewhat similar (as pointed out by numerous movies and thinkers over the years). Cancerous cells are dysfunctional and their growth is not in harmony with the cellular environment of the organism they are part of. When a chemical/biological change takes place in the overall systems on Earth somewhere, which leads to unchecked growth, there is always the risk that great harm will come to the overall system.

Loss Of Balance is the Deeper Issue

Beneath the obvious unchecked industrialization of the planet lies a deeper dysfunction. The reality is that humanity wouldn't be seeking endless expansion if the individuals were in balance. Many people are in a constant quest for 'more, more, more' - not because they 'need, need, need', but because they 'lack, lack, lack' internal self assurance, confidence and spiritual strength. The kind of connection to the Universe and to life which humans need to feel safe is hugely missing and so they seek ever more physical 'pacifiers' in the form of new technology and status symbols to try to sooth the fear they claim they don't have.

If humans truly want to improve their lives, they need to first acknowledge that they are being run by fear from their own subconscious. It may seem that people are making decisions based on 'rational logic', but if you stop thinking long enough and feel deeply enough, you might start to feel and notice that there is subtle fear present in your own and others' daily decisions that you usually don't pay attention to.

As long as people are constantly competing and terrified of what it will mean if they just stop and slow down, there will be a huge pressure on the planet and environmental systems that is only made worse by increasing population levels.

When children are born from real love and not from fear, they are hugely different as individuals. Love inherently meets and understands real needs, whereas fear will tend to direct us towards 'solving' problems that possibly don't even exist as we think they do.

Self acceptance holds the key to this and so many of our problems.

Recovery From Over-Population

Those who have been close to the depopulation agenda planner and eugenicists and who have spoken out publicly have often been disgusted by their plans to kill off large numbers of Humans using engineered wars, chemical poisoning and other methods. At the same time, they have been forced to admit that something needs to be done about the population growth levels on Earth since we simply cannot possibly continue to expand at this rate and not cause drastic problems that are perilous to everyone's survival.

This is really a matter of the need for healing on all levels. Our decisions stem from our thoughts, beliefs and emotions - so we need to voluntarily seek to find answers to the situation that work for us all. The VOLUNTARY aspect means that we can't simple legislate and control populations to determine the amount of children they have. While this may lower the population levels, as occurred with China's policy of forcing Chinese people to only have one child - the damage that is done to free will and psychology is huge. We must find ways to lower the population without anyone feeling dominated or forced to bow down the thoughts of other people.

All of this means that we need a kind of mass enlightenment, where the issues involved are obvious to everyone and the unconscious drivers of people that prompt them to have larger families than their situation can sustain are laid bare.

Arguably, one of the reasons why this isn't already happening is that to explore our own sub conscious is to also explore all of the parts of ourselves and our memories that we prefer to avoid and block out. To heal the population levels means to also heal ourselves and to get real on all levels, more than we ever have done before.

It's a frightening prospect, but the reality is that most of most people is UNconscious and our behaviors are being driven by beliefs and thoughts that we don't even know that we have. So step one in fixing this situation is being open to becoming more aware, more conscious and being willing to look at what we have previously been avoiding. We need to then take responsibility for our experience and stop blaming other people.

On a practical level, beyond just limiting the amount of children we have through choice - we can also take steps to be self sustainable in our lives and stop feeding the industrialization that threatens to consume more than we collectively have! Learning to live in harmony with the Earth (and soil/plants) is also a big part of learning to live in harmony with each other.

While there are many people who have absolutely no interest in moving away from industrialization currently, they will be gradually forced to admit over time that their unthinking reliance on 'science' based on half-truths is not really working for them. No amount of corporate sponsored studies or advertising can directly change the basic equations of life on Earth.

The great part about all this is the for the most part, the solutions don't require use to do anything we don't really want to do. Once we understand the dynamics of who we are and how we fit in to nature on Earth, it is totally natural to want to live more sustainably and not so industrially. The joy and increased health/wellbeing that comes from living more in tune with our natural self will eventually be impossible to deny and so the numbers of people making the needed shift will start to shoot upwards similar to how population has shot up in recent decades.


Voluntarily choosing to lower the population through changing our outlook and sexual behaviors is the optimal way to resolve this problem. Doing this means that we need to voluntarily learn the details of what is occurring and then decide to do something about it. In short, the solution requires a huge increase in personal responsibility, rather than passing off responsibility to others, to imagined version of God or just giving up because it all seems too challenging to get to grips with.

Every breath we take is an opportunity for enlightenment.

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