Flooding the garden is the best way to water it at this time of year 🌿


Here in the South of France it can reach 40°C in the afternoons in the late summer and the land becomes very dry. Up until this point we had been watering the garden with watering cans from collection tubs filled by the hose, but now this is not enough and the weekly flood system has begun.

The old ways are always the best!


The water is collected from a stream which is fed from our village canal. The pressure isn't amazing but it is enough to fill up the tubs. Or flood the garden!


I dug irrigation canals between the beds to make sure the water is distributed evenly.


It is left to flood overnight, once or twice a week.


This minimises the amount of watering needed during the rest of the week and leaves me a little extra time to start thinking about planting winter vegetables in the empty spaces.

The sunflowers are looking fab at the moment.


Right next to our second chill zone we created a few weeks ago, in the shade of the wallnut tree.


When the temperature is intense, these chill zones are essential.

This is my view from the hammock, shortly after sunrise.


If you had managed to get here @movingman this would have been your bedroom ;)

Perhaps next time.

My 'door' remains open to you all!


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