Things we need to start doing for having a good social life!

Being anxious about your achievement, feeling uncomfortable meeting people, failing to have good communication; all can lead to an unhappy social life. But we can flip the coin and make our social life happier.



  • Communicate
  • Be supportive
  • Be kind

These are the key elements, I believe, that can help us improve our social life. I know they don't need any elaboration. Because we all have an understanding of how they work in society. But as I was saying, we do many things wrong. So from now on, make something right!

Here is some wise advice I follow!

  • Get yourself out, connect with more people, befriend, talk, spend time outside; with your neighbor, with friends, and with family. This will make you feel good.

  • Set some social goal. Like you will get to know your neighbors this month or see some of your relatives in the hospital. These small gestures can improve our happiness.

  • Advocate yourself to turn off the social anxiety. It's okay if you feel uncomfortable being with people. But try to do your best to kill your social anxiety, motivate yourself and act upon it.
  • Don't spend time assuming. Toxic gossiping, talk behind someone's back makes our social life worse. So try to stay away from this negativity.

I guess, there is no one who doesn't want to have a good social life. So keep the key elements in mind and be more social.

However, what matters most is how we are representing ourselves. We need to reflect a better persona, positivity so people would love to meet us and we can spread more happiness.

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