Things we need to keep in mind while changing a habit.

Habit changing is a big issue, it takes time, we need to be patient and focused to get the result. Remember, the last time you really changed a habit and I hope you can recall the struggle. Though many do this very easily. But for most of us, it's really challenging.



You may hear of many dos and don'ts about habit changing. But following them is actually pretty hard. Today I'm gonna show you some very simple to remember yet easy to follow things that can help us change any habit for a better life.

  • Plan on one small goal right now. Like if you are working on achieving a healthy lifestyle, plan to change one thing right now; like your sleeping time.

  • Start small and go slow. Start with only one thing and keep your goal minimum at first. Habits will not change overnight nor your lifestyle. So go slow, do it every day, achieve something every single day and these will lead you towards the big move.

  • Get company. Changing habit alone is very difficult, join your partner or friends or whoever is available. Talk about it with people. They will work as an active or passive supporter.

  • Focus on what you have achieved so far. Motivate yourself by seeing the positive changes you have to bring, maybe it's minimal small but notice and appreciate them.

However, what matters most is how you are approaching this to yourself. Be kind to yourself, don't push too hard or feel guilty that the process is very slow. Keep these things in mind and I hope you can slowly but surely change your life for the best!

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