The adverse effects of self-hatred!

The adverse effects of self-hatred!

Loving ourselves is a must to progress in life. You may get success, manage to achieve your goal but you will feel empty inside if you don't have self-love. And by this I means, if you hate yourself you may not recognize it in first stage. Because there's a chance that you will ignore the signs and avoid noticing it. Yeah, more or less we all do that.



But in order to get over the self-hatred feeling, we need to understand from where it's growing, what's effects it's creating and all. You may think that, it's nothing serious. There's no need to love every feature you have, it's okay to hate some of your own quality. But believe me, it has a long term effect. And that's why we should be aware of what we are reflecting by self-hatred.

Let's see...

  • Negativity.

Your life will surely become full of negativity if you hate yourself for any reason. You will think negative not just only about yourself but also about others. You will feel down about yourself, you will fail to feel any positive vibes around yourself.

  • Losing emotional resilience.

I guess this one is one of the major adverse effect. You will lose emotional reasoning capability, you will ose control over your emotional status and you will start to act & take descioin irrationally.

  • Acceptance.

Self-hatred happens because we fail to accept the way we are. And this will lead you to adopt such a mentality when you can't even take a simple decision without others apporoval.

  • Confidence.

The above point works because you will lose confidence. When you feel bad about yourself, you can't function well.

There are many other consequences comes with self-hatred like jealousy, self-harm, fearfulness etc. So you see this thing has a huge impact in our whole life. So if you have any sign, take proper action right now to solve it. Believe me, it will help you to increase self-love and you will be able to have a better life!

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