Some old techniques that actually help to improve our brain memory!

How much we used our brain defines how much it will function. Don't believe me? Notice how you used to be during your pick of success and how you are doing now. Sometimes it doesn't feel like we are the same person.



Especially now, when you are dependant on so many technologies that we don't even have to memorize many things. But do you know what, memorizing some simple things like equations or mobile numbers can actually help us improve our brain!

If you feel like you are becoming forgetful these days; if you need to increase your brain power and memory capacities then I would suggest you do some old school things.

Let me share some of the tips I found helpful!

  • Observe and notice people more often.
  • Memorise your shopping list.
  • Memorise some of the important phone numbers.
  • Try to memorize people's names.
  • Memorise your medication time and list.
  • Solve word matching or some simple game more often.
  • Play memory games with others.
  • Read a book.

You see there are many options we have that we can incorporate into our daily life. Remind yourself that you don't need to depend all the time on some gadgets or apps.

How can we do that?

  • Use alarm and reminder apps as little as you can.
  • Write it down with pen and paper.
  • Tell stories.
  • Don't depend on backups like any gadgets but your brain.

However, what matters most is how much intention we are putting into it so we can improve our memory and thus brain health. If you make this a priority you can do that. And if you think that all these are old school and useless then, you can not reach that point.

And who doesn't know our brain health has a direct connection with our feeling of happiness. So, don't miss this simple opportunity!

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