The Healer Within

After living in Ireland for 10 years (and a month), I longed for the more 'natural' kind of life. One where, when your child has a sniffle, people don't immediately tell you to take the child to a doctor, or worse: get them antibiotics. If I didn't know better, I could have been made to feel like a bad mother at times. The Irish aren't bad people, at least most aren't, but there's one thing most of them have in common: their need to get an opinion from a doctor, when all that's really needed is some TLC, a nice bath, or some natural remedies. Simple ones, like honey tea with lemon. We're all healers inside. Whether you realize this or not.

The difference in Mexico


Just before we moved here, I ordered a book called:
Infusions of Healing - A treasury of Mexican-American Herbal Remedies by Joie Davidow. I figured, if we'd ever get some sort of Apocalypse (which is not a crazy thought anymore these days), it'd be smarter to have a book at hand that has herbs that can actually be found here, rather than some books with plants only found in Europe. I like to be prepared you see!

Mexicans are also much closer to nature than us Europeans, so it shouldn't be hard to find someone that knows where to find these things.

The book is well worth the buy. It has remedies for pretty much everything with easy instructions, and the names are in English and in Spanish. But this post is not going to be a book review. Or a rant about all the alternative medicine one can use. What it will be, is an example of how we're actually great healers inside. And for most things, we don't even need herbs. Let me tell you my story...

The reading glasses that turned into more

I was working at my former job for about two months, when I realized that I had trouble focusing on the screen, especially when I was tired, towards the end of the day.
I thought it was odd, because I have always worked on my laptop before that, and that had a smaller screen.
At first, I blamed it on the screen, and the fact that it was an iMac. I don't know what it is, but I never trusted the brand. Call me crazy! Kinda like I don't trust Windows or anything else that comes from the hands of Microsoft.
Trailing off here...

So, it started like that: I had trouble focusing. Then slowly, but fast enough, it started to get worse, things would get really blurry on the screen.
I was getting worried, and being in my mind, and not in my heart, I went to see my GP first, and then the optician...

The diagnosis

The GP had all the usual tests done. But this will be a story for another time. It's a great one! So sit tight!
The optician did her thing...
She called me into the room and told me there was no worry for concern. Nothing major. I needed reading glasses.
I told her that my PC screen was huge, and that it needed to be at a distance of 80 cm or more, so if reading glasses would make my blurry vision better, then that's what we'd do.

And so we did. She was wrong. It made things worse, because now I had to sit forward, closer to the screen or I wouldn't see anything.
I went back after a day or two.
Told her the story, and she then said that I needed occupational glasses, and in a way that I could read up close turning my eyes down, and I'd perfectly see the screen when I worked. So we ordered them. It was OK in the beginning, but after wearing them for more than a few hours at a time, I'd get this throbbing pain in my forehead. Strange. But it made that I couldn't really work properly for 8 hours with them on.

Fast forward 5 months on

I'd been wearing them, every day. Because if I didn't, everything was blurry. But when I took them off, it took a while for my eyes to adjust, so getting in the car and driving off right away wasn't an option.

Then we moved to Mexico. I still used them, a few days that is...
After having to deal with that weird pain in my forehead, I decided I had enough.
I decided that I didn't want nor need the glasses anymore. I didn't put them on again.
In the beginning, it was hard to focus. Text was blurry, like before. Especially when I was tired.
But I resisted the urge to put the glasses back on.
There's this YouTube creator, well two actually, that I sometimes listen to for ailments, healing, or whatever. I think some people already know the healing effect that sound can have on a person. Well, think of that, and then take it x10. That's how powerful those videos are.
So I started listening to one of the videos. Usually I'd listen more than once, and every day. This time, I listened 3 times (8 minutes) and then decided it was up to me. Not them...

Long story short: I am now working on the laptop, or the PC, without glasses. I have no more blurry vision, only a tiny little bit when I get really tired. But that's quite normal I think. Everything on the screen is quite clear.


No, not really. From what I gather, I willed my eyes to correct themselves. Without the glasses (that were only making things worse). Yes, I listened to those video creators for a while but I don't think that was it. At least not on its own. I did this.

We are all healers inside, most of us have just forgotten...

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