My Zero Waste Goal.... Dare To Become Zero Waste

Is it a difficult to be part of zero waste lifestyle?


Zero waste, a positive lifestyle to reduce waste. Absolutely, starting with yourself. Understand what the purpose of zero waste is, for the sustainability life. Then what we can do?

Environmental care behavior


Plastic waste has become a global problem in this world. Consumptive lifestyles and population growth are factors in increasing the volume of waste. If allowed to continue without a solution, it will create new problems. There is a lot of news about environmental pollution due to the presence of plastic waste, not to mention other waste problems that are difficult to decompose with nature.

Disasters caused by waste overflowing can be suppressed if there is public awareness to behave caring for the environment. One of them is by sorting organic and inorganic waste. Concern for waste can be seen from the way household waste is managed. Most people are still wrong in treating waste by burning it, even though all of that is a source of new problems "air pollution" which is dangerous for respiratory health.

Start For Yourself!


Zero Waste Lifestyle as a positive lifestyle that minimizes the use of materials that pollute the environment and rejects the use of single-use materials in everyday life. The end goal is ZERO waste.

Everything starts from the smallest things. When starting out, you can't say 100% immediately to adopt the zerowaste lifestyle, but at least the intention is a good start and not a barrier for us to achieve it. Isn't there a saying that says "little by little becomes a hill", and try from the smallest things and stay consistent.

The concept of Zero Waste Lifestyle is not something new. Several countries such as America, Australia, Sweden, New Zealand and several other European countries have implemented this concept, and have become concrete solutions for waste management. Believe that the small steps we take will bring big changes. Maybe by trying to reduce the use of plastic. For example, starting to replace plastic straws with aluminum straws that can be used repeatedly, using your own tumbler to buy coffee / tea beverages in shops / cafes instead of using plastic cups, shopping using cloth bags, etc.

The above examples may sound trivial, but if these small things are done by many people, the reduced amount of waste will be significant. Gradually it will become a habit for everyone, if you continue to do so. And that is a matter of pride because we have become part of the lifestyle to protect the earth, ZEROWASTE LIFESTYLE.

Zerowaste movement through 5R


Applying the principles of Zero Waste Lifestyle through the 5R movement popularized by Bea Johnson, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot.

°• Refuse, we can refuse the drowsiness of non-biodegradable plastics when shopping. Of course we also have to prepare our own shopping bags from home.

°• Reduce, we can avoid using and purchasing products that produce large amounts of waste. In addition, we can use refillable products.

°• Reuse, we can reuse the container / packaging with the same function over and over again. For example, using rechargeable batteries, using used plastic as a substitute for polybags, etc.

°• Recycle (Recycle), we can use products and packaging that can be recycled and easily decomposed. In addition, we can also handle organic waste into compost. As well as handling inorganic waste into useful items.

°• Rot (rotting), we can decompose organic waste into compost. One of them can be done by making biopore holes. This of course can significantly reduce the landfill burden.


Full support from all parties, including government agencies and individuals, will add a big positive impact to the existence of waste. Without having to wait, we can realize the importance of protecting the environment by starting Zero Waste Lifestyle from ourselves and our smallest environment. Hopefully this Zero Waste Lifestyle will participate in protecting and saving our environment from long-term land pollution.


All the pictures are my properties

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