Always special dawns 🥰

Nature is like a canvas that looks its best every day. The sunrises here in Trujillo have become a relaxing therapy that comforts the soul.


The rays of the sun come out so beautiful announcing that the rainy night has ended, only leaving small puddles of water that will soon be dried by the heat of the sun.


Sometimes I wonder if we will have any idea of how much it costs the clouds to get water and carry it kilometers away to find the precise conditions to drain and bathe with its majesty everything in its path.


I feel that the strength, beauty and power of the sky is unimaginable. Only knowing a few thousandths really. These small moments where the sun's rays change color the clouds and everything is illuminated with its beautiful colors. Witnessing this miracle is incredible I do not get tired of seeing it day after day.


Do we pay attention to these details? Is it just another sunrise?

I refuse to think that only a few see its beauty ..


Greetings friends, I hope you like these photographs that I take with much illusion for you, greetings 🤗 🌷

Photographs of my authorship, edited in the Snaapsed app.
Banner created in Canva.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

Foto de fondo para LinkedIn psicóloga infantil ilustrado floral verde y lila.gif

Verde Naturaleza Ciencia Blackboard Banner.gif

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