Uncle Tom's Candace

Okay, you all know the real title of the famous novel is Uncle Tom's Cabin. But if you're familiar with right-wing activist Candace Owens, you should also know that she is THE Uncle Tom of our era.

source: Wikimedia Commons

Uncle Tom was actually an anti-slavery novel about a slave who gave his life to protect others who had escaped from slavery. However, the character later came to be seen as inappropriately subservient to white slaveholders, which then led to the use of "Uncle Tom" as a derogatory term for an exceedingly subservient person, in particular when that person is aware of of their own lower-class racial status. It is similarly used to negatively describe a person who betrays their own group by participating in its oppression, whether or not they do so willingly. Candace Owen should win the 2020 Uncle Tom Award, if such an award existed, especially after releasing the cringe-worthy video I share with you today, in which she goes out of her way to explain why she doesn't support George Floyd, the latest deadly victim from excessive police force that disproportionately targets black Americans.

Her little rant is full of the standard far-right talking points using cherry-picked statistics that are in turn ripped out of their socioeconomic context. She claims that Floyd has been given a "martyr-status" by the liberal media, and that she disagrees with them because Floyd apparently had some issues with drugs; in her eyes he's "not worthy" to be granted that status, and she quotes a black writer I'm not familiar with who said that black culture is unique in the way it celebrates its own criminals, or words to that effect; watch the video, I'm too repulsed by it to go back and literally quote miss Owens. Gangsta rap is liked by whites and blacks, and I would bet especially among suburban white youths, it is produced and made money off by predominantly white producers, and during the rise of its popularity violent crime rates have gone down; just throwing that out there. Besides: this is all besides any point, except when you're trying to make the point that black people are bad, just because they're black. And that's exactly the point little aunty Owens always makes.

She'll say things like: 44% of murders are committed by blacks, who only make up 13% of the entire population. And she'll do that in a snarky way, just like white nationalists do. They'll just throw out those numbers and smirk; see, black people simply ARE that bad... And the irritating thing is that people buy that BS. Statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics. She conveniently forgets to mention that most crime comes from poor neighborhoods and that black people are over-represented in those places. She doesn't mention that black people are four times more likely to be arrested for the same crime, and get longer sentences for the same crime when compared to white people. She ignores that the war on drugs specifically targets non-white people. She, like the far-right nationalists who fund her, makes the point that black people are inherently criminal, instead of telling the truth about how their (systemically caused) socioeconomic status relates to the cherry-picked statistics she willy-nilly throws out there.

So, please watch the video if you're up to it. The charitable thing to say about miss Owens' toxic rant is that she actually suffers from Uncle Tom syndrome, a theory in psychology referring to a coping skill in which individuals use passivity and submissiveness when confronted with a threat, leading to subservient behavior and appeasement, while concealing their true thoughts and feelings. But I don't believe that applies to Candace here; she's a grifter who knows where the money is, just like Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Tomi Lahren, Lauren Chen and Jordan Peterson. Really disgusting, this video; you've been warned!

Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why!

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