Corporate Sponsored Rebellion

People who voted for Joe Biden often get accused by Trump supporters for "bringing back 'The Establishment'." While there's no denying that Biden is indeed a prime example of your typical establishment candidate, I can't help but wonder how these Trump supporters can see Trump, a multi millionaire real estate businessman, as anti-establishment.

source: Wikimedia Commons

In music, punk rock was the anti-establishment genre in my teenager years. Everything about it screamed "I'm rebelling against the 'normal' of generations past", with its distinct clothing full of leather and safety-pins, brightly colored hair, preferably styled as Mohawk, spikes, or a combination thereof, and the use of highly politically incorrect language. The thing is though, that's where it ended: it was all aesthetics and no real substance. I never really liked punk rock, as I was more into reggae, ska, soul, R&B and regular pop music at the time, and later going all in on Hip Hop and rap music. Now, at more than half a century of age I still like all of those.

What I never knew, and what's discussed in today's video, is that one of punk rock's leading bands, the Sex Pistols, was in fact a corporate sponsored project from day one. That their manager used the band to promote his own clothing line as well as other fashion establishments. I remember very well how Paul Joseph Watson, the far right Trump supporting YouTuber and close associate of far right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of InfoWars fame, tweeted a couple of years ago that "conservatism is the new punk rock". This is also mentioned in the video, and I now understand how Paul Joseph Watson was right when he tweeted that; with Trump it's all about the aesthetics, but that's where his rebellion ends. Trump didn't "drain the swamp", he is the swamp. The Sex Pistols sung lyrics about a future that would never be, and Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again" was appealing to nostalgia about a past that never was; a point I made several times in earlier posts.

The Sex Pistols only made one album in the end, and Trump only got one term as president. But punk rock still exists, ad Trumpism will survive long after Trump leaves the White House I'm afraid. Trump's was a corporate sponsored rebellion and his sponsors may need another fake rebel, another Trump, to secure their precious status quo in the future. The economy isn't going to change in the ways necessary to take away the anger and insecurity among the disenfranchised people any time soon, so this next Trump will have plenty popular support when he or she is put forward. Please keep that in mind and please watch the video as it dives deeper into this subject.

Donald Trump: A Corporate Sponsored Rebellion

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