Trump's First Lie

In today's short post I'd like to look back on the first Big Lie by Trump and his administration, the day he officially started his war against the mainstream media. Propaganda works only when there's truth mixed into the lies you want to peddle, and Trump took the truth about the mainstream media not being honest in general, and used that to spread his own lies, one of which is that the mainstream media is never honest.


source: YouTube

Trump's first lie goes all the way back to his first day in office; I'm sure most of you remember that all the lying started with Trump's claim that he attracted a crowd of 1.5 million people on his inauguration on Friday 20 January 2017. The very next day, the first full day of his new job, he had his press secretary start the war against the mainstream press as well as the war against truth, by claiming that the press falsely reported that the inauguration-crowd was significantly less than 1.5 million. That press secretary was Sean Spicer back then; the current one, Kayleigh McEnany, is Trump's fourth press Secretary who replaced Stephanie Grisham, who in turn replaced Sarah Sanders. It's a tough job, being the liaison between the POTUS and the news media in any circumstance, and most presidents go through a number of them; Barack Obama had three of them during his two terms in office. But being press secretary for Trump must be especially hard. That is unless you're also a natural liar, like Kayleigh McEnany... Here's an article from The Guardian, Sunday 22 January 2017 you may want to read, as it also has Sean Spicer's rant against the press in it on video: Trump's inauguration crowd: Sean Spicer's claims versus the evidence.

Barack Obama vs. Donald Trump: inaugural crowds

As you can see in the cover image as well as in the above linked video, this first lie was a very easily debunked lie; the image as well as the video compare Trump's crowd in 2017 with Obama's crowd that was estimated at 1.8 million people in 2009. The reason why I revisit this first lie, that in itself is quite innocent, I mean who cares how many people did show up exactly, is that I now suspect that the same people who believed that first obvious lie are the ones who now believe in the insane allegations of election fraud. Since that first one, the lies have only gotten bigger and bolder, culminating in an outright attack on American democracy by this narcissist authoritarian. It's easy to see how people who can't see the difference between these two crowds, will also not be able to process the election results in a reasonable and realistic manner. The way these people have now abandoned Fox News (with the exception of their darlings Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity), for the single mistake of calling the state of Arizona early for Joe Biden, is the same way they react to the mainstream media; tell one single untruth (in their eyes) about Trump, and you've lost your chance to ever be trusted again. Well, for those people I have selected this short video from the hated liberal mainstream media making fun of their Great Leader; let's see if they at least have a sense of humor...

Surprise! Trump's Inauguration Crowd Photo Was Doctored!

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