We found the health problem. Its red meat. Phew!

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I hope you note the irony. Obviously it is not red meat. Just like everything else in this god forsaken world, everything is the opposite.

Its been quite awhile since I wrote an article on here as I have been mighty busy with other projects, but I'm going to try and come back and do some articles pertaining to health, food supply issues and other world health topics.

The globalist plans to help the poor environment

In Dr. Mercola's article he once again does a good job of sourcing other outlets and organizations as they continue to ignore real problems and instead target our rights to do anything. In this instance, the right to grow, harvest and eat animal products.

Here is a link to one of the illegitimate Biden administration's newest reports, which just came out in late March of 2023:


If you care to do a little light reading you can scroll down to page 18 of the document where they explain their ridiculous, nonsensical cult objectives involving food production in the U.S. and worldwide. All in the name of "sustainability" of course. Its for your health and wellbeing...of course. It always for your health.

Reductions in nitrogen emissions. Sounds nice for the environment right? Well, you better ask yourself this: nitrogen is the basis of most fertilizers used in large-scale farming. Are there better alternatives to this? Certainly. But people need to realize what this will mean. More cost increases. Of everything. Unfortunately for the city dwelling Q-Doba eating hobgoblins who only think from second to second, meal to meal, all of their (and our) food will go up in price. Like usual, your wages won't.

We think prices are high now? These farmers will pass these costs on to us. Along with with the costs of instituting the other idiotic ideas presented in this report, such as...methane capture from ruminants. No, I'm not talking about your morbidly obese neighbor who wanders in the grass while eating. I'm talking about the cows. The beef.

They want to, literally, capture the cow farts. We are entering into untold levels of stupidity and insanity.

These fart masks or whatever they are will of course cost money and probably cause health problems and further cause price increases.

Biotech Industries Control The Food

We've known for awhile that they're trying to just destroy normal food and process and manipulate everything. Total control.

In the Whitehouse.gov report, they take special care to wiggle around and use wordplay to avoid terms that people have come to find suspicious such as genetically modified, genetically engineered, GMO, synthetic, etc.

Instead, we have to translate:

• Better understand genetic, physiological, environmental, and biochemical constraints on yield to
develop plants and livestock with higher production potential.
• Use accelerated breeding strategies and biotechnology to improve plants, animals, and
microorganisms to enhance productivity and reduce environmental impacts of agriculture.
• Bolster research in innovative approaches and technologies—including precision agriculture and
circular and nature-based solutions—that improve sustainability; reduce inputs; and rebuild soil
health, carbon, and organic matter.

"Accelerated breeding strategies" so just how does one "accelerate" the normal aging time of a living creature?

"Develop plants and livestock with higher production potential" and how do we "develop" plants and livestock? Can you say SYNTHETIC, genetically modified, adulterated...ruined.

They've been at the fake meat idea for awhile. And like water on rock, sooner or later a small sliver of the populace that doesn't know any better, eats this absolute garbage...and that number starts to grow.

In step with this is bug meat.

This stuff is happening now. It will happen in bursts, but there will be hockey stick moments that most people will be unprepared for. Meat prices are already through the roof. When they get high enough some people will be forced to stop eating it...and they'll be sequestered to the bugs and ultraprocessed fake meat. And they will get sick, and die, which is of course one of the goals of the globalists.

This is all about control of the population, including the size of that population.

We must act collectively. There is still time, and it won't be as seamless of a transition as they would hope. People will fight, especially in rural areas that are harder to control. The cities? They're fucked. There won't be much hope for those people. Unless they start fighting which is not a very likely action.

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