'Deliberate Acts of Sabotage': Who Blew Up the Nord Stream?

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The ongoing US imperial proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, or as Pepe Escobar calls it, "The War of Economic Corridors," was, at the beginning of the week - on Monday, September 26, when several large explosions blowing sizeable holes in a strategic gas pipeline rocked the Baltic Sea - was just taken to an entirely new level of warfare, having now entered, in the words of Escobar, the "incandescent, uncharted territory" of "Pipeline Terror."

A sophisticated military operation – that required exhaustive planning, possibly involving several actors – blew up four separate sections of the Nord Stream (NS) and Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gas pipelines this week in the shallow waters of the Danish straits, in the Baltic Sea, near the island of Bornholm.

The headline of Escobar's provocative piece published by The Cradle on September 29 begs readers to ask, not whether the pipeline leaks were a result of an intentional attack or not, as all evidence clearly indicates they were, but rather: "Who profits from Pipeline Terror?"

It is the first and often most important question every detective and investigator asks at the beginning of any case: Cui Buono - Who Benefits? This is because in almost every case, the perpetrator of the crime is among those who would benefit from it. Taking this common sense approach to the issue, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated the obvious in remarks made during his speech at the signing ceremony of treaties on the accession of Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics and Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to Russia on Friday: "It is clear to everyone who stands to gain. Those who benefit are responsible, of course." Of course! But as we will see, this most basic of logical arguments seems to be lost to the propagandists busy framing the emerging western theory that if this catastrophe was the result of an act of sabotage, as will be demonstrated must be the case, then Russia did it, end of story.

Indeed, it would only be a matter of hours after the gas leaks were first detected before evidence began to surface indicating that the leaks sustained by the newly completed (in September of 2021) Nord Stream pipelines were caused by explosions, and only a matter of days before it was practically universally conceded that these explosions were the direct result of an intentional, pre-planned military attack as opposed to, say, an accidental underwater collision or natural earthquake - the West now widely referring to this attack as a hostile act of "sabotage," unsurprisingly blamed almost immediately on Russian forces, while its counterparts on the Russian side have "called the incident an international terrorist attack against civilian infrastructure," which, regardless of who exactly is responsible, was clearly aimed at disrupting the cheap Russian gas supply to Germany that these gas lines were built to provide.

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NATO's Thursday press release states: "All currently available information indicates that this is the result of deliberate, reckless, and irresponsible acts of sabotage." Meanwhile, even US officials have now begun referring to the incident as "apparent sabotage," based largely on communications with Denmark, Sweden, and the information presented to them by these (and possibly other) allied European states in the region.

The newspaper Berlingske, citing the Danish Energy Authority, reported that there is "not a small crack in the pipe, but a really big hole," indicating the leaks were most likely caused by explosives rather than being the result of natural phenomena or some kind of an accident, while the German paper Der Spiegel went so far as to suggest that divers or submarine were used to sabotage the lines. That the relatively shallow depth of the explosions would in fact be reachable to divers is confirmed by H.I. Sutton, "an expert on submarine warfare and writer for U.S. Naval Institute News," in a Tweet on Tuesday.

Further helping to rule out the possibility that these leaks were the result of anything but an intentional act of terror/sabotage, is the fact that the pipes themselves were constructed out of steel-reinforced concrete and are able to withstand the impact of even the strongest of collisions; as Escobar notes, they "are basically indestructible without serious explosive charges."

Evidence of such "serious explosive charges" used in the sabotage of the Nord Stream was initially reported by Swedish media, as Swedish seismologists immediately detected the blasts, their earthquake measuring stations recording the force of one of the two explosions as a magnitude 2.3 on the Richter scale.

Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) spokesman Bjorn Lund "said on Tuesday he was certain the seismic activity detected at the site of the Nord Stream pipeline gas leaks in the Baltic Sea was caused by explosions and not earthquakes nor landslides," Reuters reported.

It is "very clear from the seismic record that these are blasts," Björn Lund‬, director of the Swedish National Seismic Network at Uppsala University told NPR in a phone interview. "These are not earthquakes; they are not landslides underwater."

Meanwhile, an early Swedish (SVT TV channel) report on the incident indicated that the coordinates of the registered explosions coincide with the area where the gas leaks were then occurring. Notably, the SNSN concluded based on preliminary estimates that the force of the explosions "is at least equivalent to 100 kilograms of dynamite," while Lund, in a much overlooked statement of arguably significant importance documented by NPR, "says that the seismic events closely resembled what the network has detected in the past when the Swedish navy has conducted training exercises using depth charges and undersea mines."

Interestingly, not four full months before the attack was carried out, the US-led NATO naval military exercise 'BALTOPS 22' kicked off in the Baltic sea, and, as the US Navy informs us, underwater mine operations were a central focus of the exercise.

At sea, ships fine-tuned tactical maneuvering, anti-submarine warfare, live-fire training, mine countermeasures operations, and replenishments at sea. The Swedish submarine participating in the exercise, the U.K.’s Daring-class air-defense destroyer HMS Defender (D 36), and aircraft from other participating nations trained in anti-submarine warfare. Meanwhile, mine operations served as an ideal area of focus for testing new technology.

As 'The Official Publication of the Navy League of the United States' reported at the time: "A significant focus of BALTOPS every year is the demonstration of NATO mine hunting capabilities, and this year the U.S. Navy continues to use the exercise as an opportunity to test emerging technology." During this 13-day exercise, "The BALTOPS Mine Counter Measure Task Group ventured throughout the Baltic region practicing ordnance location, exploitation, and disarming in critical maritime chokepoints."

Of course, in order to do all of this, to conduct these mine hunting and countermeasure operations, and test the capabilities of new mine-hunting technology, there must first be mines placed underwater in the area of the exercises.

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And so there were divers taking part in these mine/counter-mine operations who prepared the "mock explosives" (see photo above), and it is reasonable to assume the possibility that a special unit of these divers, under US command but not necessarily Americans, could have easily been busy planting actual explosives along the Nord Stream pipelines under cover of the training exercises taking place. As a number of commentators have pointed out, the ocean floor is shallow enough to be reached by divers at the locations where the pipelines were sabotaged, and the possibility that the explosives used in the attack were planted by divers cannot at this time be ruled out as a very real possibility. Of particular interest in this regard is the specific location of these mine operations.

In support of BALTOPS, U.S. Navy 6th Fleet partnered with U.S. Navy research and warfare centers to bring the latest advancements in unmanned underwater vehicle mine hunting technology to the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the vehicle’s effectiveness in operational scenarios.

Experimentation was conducted off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark, with participants from Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, and Mine Warfare Readiness and Effectiveness Measuring all under the direction of U.S. 6th Fleet Task Force 68.

Coincidentally, the ruptures in the pipelines also occurred in locations right off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark.

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We can clearly see that a team of NATO divers could have realistically accomplished the task of sabotaging the Nord Stream during the BALTOPS exercise in June, if in fact there was a plot and orders from on high to do so.

At the same time, the US naval fleet deployed in the Baltic Sea for this training exercise in June never left, continuing its work there, whatever that was, until just days before the the explosives used to sabotage the Nord Stream were detonated. The merely coincidental presence of a US Navy fleet operating in the very vicinity of the pipeline leaks less than a week before the explosions responsible for those leaks rocked the Baltic Sea is suspicious, as is the timing of the explosion coming almost immediately upon its departure, and appears to support Russian accusations that the attack was carried out by foreign (to Russia) actors, while simultaneously fueling widespread 'conspiracy theories' that the US military/intelligence services was behind the planned attack, if not directly responsible for setting the charges. Accordingly, one alternative understanding of these events which stands in stark contrast to the picture painted by the US establishment (that Russia blew up its own pipeline) is summarized by SouthFront: "It is reasonably suspected that the pipeline was blown up by the special services of the United States in order to finally stop the gas supplies to Germany from Russia."

Just five days earlier, on Wednesday the 21st,

The group of US ships was spotted 30 kilometers from the site of the alleged sabotage on the Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline and 50 kilometers from the threads of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline.

The amphibious assault ship "USS Kearsarge", accompanied by the landing ships "USS Arlington" and "USS Gunston Hall", German news outlet Fehmarn 24 reports, "was on its way West Wednesday morning," and the fleet was spotted passing Fehmarn on Thursday, heading towards the North Sea and then back home to the American East Coast after months in the Baltic Sea.

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The presence of this US Navy fleet in the specific area of the pipeline ruptures just days before the explosions and previously during training exercises held in the specific area of the pipeline ruptures, while patrolling the Baltic Sea in the months between the two events, is proof enough that the US certainly had the means to sabotage the Nord Stream, but it is not the only suspicious activity recorded in the area.

In the September 28 piece headlined, "Whodunnit? - Facts Related to The Sabotage Attack On The Nord Stream Pipelines," Moon of Alabama (MoA) puts forth an excellent presentation of the documentation that US helicopters were overflying the area several weeks before the incident early in the month, and one in particular that was performing some "interesting maneuvers" and using the call sign FFAB123, identified as an MH-60, appears to have taken a flight pattern along the NS2 line right up to its sabotage point on September 2.

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It is worth noting that, as MoA points out: "The MH-60S carries big electromagnetic sensors which allows it to detect submarines, mines and - in the shallow waters of the Baltic Sea - sub sea pipelines." This could provide one possible answer for the unusual flight patterns observed in early September.

From Al Mayadeen:

US military helicopters habitually and on numerous occasions circled for hours over the site of the Nord Stream pipelines incident near Bornholm Island earlier in September, Flightradar24 data showed.

Earlier this month, a US Navy Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk helicopter spent hours loitering over the location of the damaged natural gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea near Bornholm for several days in a row, September 1, 2, and 3, in particular.

Apparently US choppers again hovered over the area of the incident in the days immediately leading up to the explosions.

US helicopters also took flights over other Nord Stream pipelines on September 10 and 19 and others stayed over the incident site for hours on the night of September 22 and September 25.

Reportedly, helicopters that made sorties on the night of September 22-23 and 25-26 have especially confusing tracks.

Meanwhile, Germany's Der Spiegel published an interesting report headlining that the “CIA warned German government against attacks on Baltic Sea pipelines”.

The CIA apparently had foreknowledge of the attack, and this could perhaps be due to intel that Russia was planning an attack on its own pipeline. It could also be due to US intelligence services involvement in the sabotage, reminding us of the US prediction early in the year that Russia would soon invade Ukraine, even as it was actively arming its puppet regime in Kiev in preparation for war, knowing full well that by doing so they were enabling and encouraging the Ukranian neo-nazis to invade the Donbass republics, an act that would ensure a Russian incursion into the territories threatened by this US-backed Ukranian aggression, thus fulfilling Biden's prediction. Indeed: "It is easy to predict events when you are the one who will cause them." - MoA

The U.S. knew that the Ukraine was going to launch an attack on the Donbas republics. The U.S. knew that Russia would intervene to help its brethren. Russia had said so. The Ukrainian attack started with artillery preparations on February 17. Russia intervened on February 24.

Rewind to February 7, and we have US President Joe Biden arrogantly threatening to "bring an end to [Nord Stream 2]" if Russian troops or tanks crossed the border into Ukraine, illustrating the fact that the US did indeed have every intention to stop the flow of Russian gas through these pipelines into Europe if Russia were to 'invade' Ukraine. The ominous threat came as Russian troops were massing at the Ukranian border in early February and subsequent 'invasion' looked imminent, an outcome the US not only anticipated but helped precipitate in far more ways than the one already mentioned here, going all the way back to the first event that directly led to Russia's recent intervention in Ukraine - the violent, US-sponsored neo-nazi coup responsible for overthrowing the democratically elected Ukrainian government and terrorizing to this day the ethnically Russian Ukranian population.

"If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the -- the border of Ukraine again, then there will be -- there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2," Biden said during the press conference with Scholz, who did not go as far as Biden, but insisted the U.S. and Germany remain "absolutely united."

"We will bring an end to it," he added, before baffled reporters jumped to question how it is that he could possibly make such a promise, given the circumstances.

Pressed on how he can commit to that given that Nord Stream 2 is under German control, Biden doubled down, saying, "We will -- I promise you -- we will be able to do it."

And lest we think that he didn't mean what he said, that perhaps these words are but the ramblings of a senile old man going off script, we need only listen to the very same threat publicly made by the State Department's Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Victoria Nuland, just a few weeks earlier in January,

"With regard to Nord Stream 2, we continue to have very strong and clear conversations with our German allies, and I want to be very clear: If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward," Nuland said, adding: "I'm not going to get into the specifics. We will work with Germany to ensure it does not move forward."

The February 7 ABC piece reporting Biden's threat headlined "Biden, German chancellor present united front amid tensions with Russia over Ukraine,", reveals that the way in which the Biden Administration worked with Germany to ensure the pipeline did not move forward, which "had also shown reluctance to shut down Nord Stream 2," was by convincing, possibly coercing, the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz into shutting down the pipeline when Russia 'invaded' Ukraine. That Biden had during his meeting with Scholz succeeded in "rallying" this particularly hesitant European ally "to respond to Russia's threats in lockstep with his more aggressive plan," is evidenced by Germany's announcement that it was halting the NS2 project on February 22. Scholz didn't even wait for the official Russian 'invasion', but blocked the cheap Russian gas supply to his country in response to Russia's formal recognition of the Donbass republics (DPR & LPR) one day before the Russian operation in Ukraine was launched.

"Washington welcomed Scholz's announcement, saying it had been in close consultation with the German government overnight," Reuters reported, indicating Germany's act was a direct result of US pressure, as Reuters' description of the decision also indicates: "Hitherto reluctant Germany halts certification process."

The following evening witnessed the first Russian strikes on Ukrainian targets, and the Russian military operation in Ukraine was officially launched the next day on the 24th with Russian troops pouring across the border; while Germany had successfully kept NS2 closed for the duration of the conflict, until September when things finally began to look like that could change, with reports of Germany engaged in "secret talks" with Russia to make a deal that would resolve the issues preventing its opening (namely, Germany's refusal to certify the line), and crowds of angry Germans taking to the streets in protest of the Chancellor's policy, demanding an end to sanctions on Russia and a re-opening of the pipelines targeted by those sanctions, which would immediately provide cheaper fuel in a country reeling from the increasingly high cost of living, particular fuel prices.

Sanctions had previously been successful at shutting down the once-operational NS1, Olaf's subservience to US demands had for a time successfully ensured NS2 would remain closed, but reliance on the determination of an admittedly "reluctant" ally now facing widespread internal condemnation from the German public which had the potential to escalate into widespread unrest, was no longer a sound geopolitical strategy for a Biden Administration dead set against the possibility of an operational NS2.

The US had promised: If Russia 'invades' Ukraine, "Nord Stream 2 will not move forward," and "there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2," because "we will bring and end to it" - "one way or another." And so they did, first with the "one way" of pressuring Germany, and when it appeared the country was on the verge of potentially faltering in its determination to continue moving "in lockstep" with the US plan, and looked to be considering finally putting the welfare of its economy and the good of its people above the foreign geopolitical interests of the US empire, they appear to have then resorted to the "other," much more direct and less conventional way of ending the German-Russian energy project - with an explosive bang.

Like Biden, Nuland refused "to get into the specifics" of how exactly the US planned to ensure an "end" to the NS2 project, stating only that: "We will work with Germany to ensure it does not move forward." Once Germany looked poised to stop working with the US in the way they demanded, all bets were off, and the rest is history.

And now that it is done, are we really to think that this attack could not be the result of the US carrying through with its previous threats? Of course it is a possibility that the US is responsible for this act of sabotage! They repeatedly warned that there would be no more Nord Stream if Russian troops entered Ukraine, and now there is no more Nord Stream, at least for the foreseeable future. Russian officials have estimated that it will take months to repair the damage caused by this reckless act of sabotage and return the Nord Stream to working order.

Meanwhile, MEP and former Polish Defense Minister Radek Sirkorski took to the Twitter-sphere to thank the United States for its service to Poland, posting in a now-deleted tweet on Wednesday the words, "Thank you, USA," accompanied by an aerial photo of the gas leak seething at the sea surface, before describing the incident as "another cost to Russia of its criminal decision to invade Ukraine."

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When asked about the possible meaning of the odd 'thank you' made by a prominent Polish official during a Wednesday Press Conference, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price simply denied all involvement whatsoever, saying: "The idea that the United States was in any way involved in the apparent sabotage of these pipelines is preposterous," at the same time referring to the incident as "apparent sabotage," while pointing the finger of blame at Russia. Meanwhile an anonymous Danish official was quoted by CNN as mirroring the sentiment of two anonymous US officials attempting to cast the blame on Russia, saying: “It’s hard to imagine any other actor in the region with the capabilities and interest to carry out such an operation.”

The nonsensical nature of this rhetoric used to cast blame on Russia is simply astounding, as we can all see that both the US and Poland, not to mention Ukraine, had a strong interest in such an operation being carried out, while the whole nation of Poland appears to be quite elated at this new development in the regional war. Not to mention the claim that no one but Russia had an interest in sabotaging the Nord Stream also directly contradicts the earlier statement by the Secretary of State Antony Blinken himself on Tuesday that such a sabotage attack would have been "clearly in no one’s interest."

And while that may be one step closer to the truth than the anti-Russian propaganda that has spewed forth out of the western media machine since then, it is still a lie. It was clearly in the interest of the US, which has long made its stance opposing the Nord Stream clear. It was also clearly in the interest of Ukraine which has long staunchly opposed the energy project that would deliver fuel directly from Russia to Germany while bypassing Ukraine and thus circumventing its high transit fees as well. The same goes for Poland, which not only celebrated the incident, but did so by announcing the opening of its own pipeline outside the hands of the Russians, Baltic Pipe, which runs natural gas from Denmark rather than Russia.

“This gas pipeline is the end of the era of dependence on Russian gas," the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said at the inauguration of the 21-year project, adding that "thanks to the Baltic Pipe, extraction from Polish deposits, LNG supply from the USA and Qatar, as well as interconnection with its neighbours, Poland is now secured in terms of gas supplies.”

If true, that Poland is "now secured in terms of gas supplies," it is true only for Poland, and not Germany and the rest of Europe, all of whom will be left out to dry, as the Baltic Pipe capacity is but a fraction of the capacity of Nord Stream - 10x less in fact!

Strangely enough, as the Polish prime minister was celebrating his nation's newfound independence from Russian gas - which it had previously been reliant upon, getting it indirectly from Germany before NS1 was shut down for parts failures that western sanctions have since prevented the repair of - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, contradicting his own initial statement that nobody benefits from this apparent sabotage, on Friday hailed the destruction of the Nord Stream as, "ultimately...a tremendous opportunity” to “once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy.” If Russia in fact carried out this attack as the mindless western narrative claims, Putin just handed the US empire the biggest gift they could have asked for, a gift both the US and Poland were celebrating even as the propagandists, whether ignorantly or deceptively, doubled down on the demonstrably false claim that only Russia had an interest in the destruction of the Nord Stream.

“It is a very strange coincidence,” all right, “that on the same day that the Baltic Gas Pipeline opens, someone is most likely committing an act of sabotage." This from Morawiecki himself, who also reveals that Poland is at the front of the charge to blame (or frame) Russia for the attack. "This shows what means the Russians can resort to in order to destabilize Europe. They are to blame for the very high gas prices," he said.

Right, because it totally makes sense that Russia, which controlled the valves and could have at any time simply turned off the gas supply, decided to blow up its own project that it had spent billions to complete, at a time when it was already filled with gas and ready to open, ensuring losses of natural gas valued at upwards of $600 billion in US dollars, not to mention the costs to repair the damage, and the loss of revenue during the months of repair. As summarized by MoA: "A pipeline that could be turned off and on again was a leverage point for Russia that gave it some negotiation power. A destroyed pipeline gives Russia no leverage. This is truly elementary. One can not spin that away."

Nor can one spin away the fact that a high ranking Polish official with close ties to the Polish military leadership, being former head of the nation's defense department, publicly thanked the US for the attack on the Nord Stream. What does Sirkoski know that he's not telling us?

For his part, Sirkoski has since deleted the controversial quote that garnered the attention of thousands, stating as the reason for its deletion that the idea of US responsibility was but a personal working theory. Still, that a high ranking Polish official could even hold the theory that the US sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines, apparently at least in part on behalf of the interests of Poland, proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that those who claim they cannot imagine any actor besides Russia being both able, willing and motivated to carry out such an attack to be a ludicrous deception, as there are clearly those within even the ranks of the western establishment itself who have not only imagined such a scenario, but actually believe the US is likely behind this particular sabotage attack. And the fact that this statement of gratitude is coming from the former Defense Minister of Poland himself indicates that the disruption of the Nord Stream pipeline gas flow is indeed in the national interests of Poland, regardless of who all exactly was behind the incident.

But why the 'thank you' at all, if in fact this sabotage was a secret US or joint US-Polish operation, unless it were meant to shift the focus of any investigation away from Poland and onto the US. Such a possibility does, of course, imply Polish involvement, and some analysts have gone so far as to implicate Poland as the perpetrator of the attack. According to John Helmer, in THE BORNHOLM BLOW-UP REPEATS THE BORNHOLM BASH — POLAND ATTACKS GERMANY AND BLAMES RUSSIA, the military operation was in fact "executed by the Polish Navy and special forces."

Additionally, Helmer argues: "It was aided by the Danish and Swedish military; planned and coordinated with US intelligence and technical support; and approved by the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki," and "is a repeat of the Bornholm Bash operation of April 2021, which attempted to sabotage Russian vessels laying the gas pipes, but ended in ignominious retreat by the Polish forces," only this time the operation was successful.

It is true that such an attack was as much in the interest of Poland as the US, if not more so; and it is also true that a series of Polish provocations from late February into early April of 2021 did attempt to disrupt the work of the Russian vessels laying the pipeline, in an obvious attempt to hinder its completion. Both military and civilian Polish vessels were used in these failed attacks on Russia, and only came to a halt after they were publicly condemned by the director of the company overseeing the energy project.

“We are talking about clearly planned and prepared provocations, using fishing vessels as well as military ships, submarines and aircraft, in order to hinder the implementation of the economic project. This is perhaps the first case of its kind, without precedent in history,” the director of Gazprom-run Nord Stream 2 AG, Andrei Minin, said in his denouncement of the Polish provocations, also noting that "such actions are provocative and can lead to gas pipeline damage."

If the Poles were involved in or behind the sabotaging of the Nord Stream, it wouldn't be their first attempt to do so, just their first successful one. Neither was this the first time that explosives had been planted along the pipeline.

In 2015, during a routine survey of the pipeline in Swedish waters, the Swedish military found and "successfully cleared a remote operated vehicle (drone) rigged with explosives found near Line 2 of the Nord Stream Natural Gas offshore pipeline system." Interestingly, it was reported that "the cable used to control the drone and to set off the explosive was cut off," so it was relatively harmless when it was discovered, but the fact remains that the explosive-laden drone didn't fall into the Baltic Sea above the NS2 from the heavens; it had on operator that put it there. As to where the drone originated, and who was behind the choice to rig it with explosives and direct it to the pipeline, or why the cable enabling it to be detonated had been cut, that all remains a mystery.

The national identity of the drone has not been verified so far, as many countries use Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) of a similar construction, [Swedish Armed Forces spokesman] Stolpe said.

Mystery aside; just like the the Americans, Polish forces also had the means of carrying out this sabotage operation, as MoA highlights:

The U.S. military is not the only force that was near the area of the pipeline damage. Just a 100 kilometer south is the Polish naval base Kolobrzeg (the former German Kolberg) which harbors mine laying ships and the 8th Kołobrzeg Naval Combat Engineer Battalion. Naval combat engineers are experts in blowing up anything that is under water, be it mines or pipelines.

Like the US, Poland also had both the means and motive for sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline; and like the US, Poland has also officially attributed the attack to Russian forces and condemned Sikorski's tweet thanking the US for the sabotage job; however there are Polish voices supporting Sikorski's move, and in doing so appear to suggest Polish involvement in the operation.

Take, for example, Roman Giertych, former deputy prime minister of Poland, who was the acting Polish deputy prime minister at the same time Sikorski was defence minister, whose highly relevant statement in defense of Sikorski was brought to the English speaking world by John Helmer in his September 30 piece.

Giertych tweeted: “I don’t know if the U.S. is behind the explosion of gas pipelines in the Baltic. But I do know that I’d rather the Russians think they were behind it than us. And I am very concerned that there is some rage within the Law and Justice Party against Sikorski for his tweet. Would you nutters prefer that the Russians find us guilty?”

Implying that the Russians are not behind the explosions, Giertych's words instead suggest knowledge or at the least suspicions of a joint Polish-American, or some kind of NATO, operation. In light of the evidence, it seems reasonable to suspect that the sabotage operation was coordinated by the US with some degree of Polish involvement. If those pointing their fingers at the Polish government are right, then Helmer tells us what this operations was:

The explosions at Bornholm are the new Polish strike for war in Europe against Chancellor Olaf Scholz. So far the Chancellery in Berlin is silent, tellingly.

Whether he is correct in his assessment of the sabotage being a "Polish strike," indeed it was most certainly an act of war against Germany, which serves to advance the geopolitical agenda of the western imperial forces - particularly the US, Poland and Ukraine - at the expense of the rest of Europe, in order to further isolate Russia from the rest of the European nations, and also serves as a blow to Russia in the middle of the US proxy-war against Russia in Ukraine.

People are free to believe that Putin would have blown up billions in Russian gas, setting back his own monumental project by months and risk turning the entire European public opinion against him for no apparent reason whatsoever, however unlikely such a scenario sounds, but the fact remains.

In January and February of this year, the US threatened, in no uncertain terms, that if Russia 'invaded' Ukraine, there would no longer be a Nord Stream 2 because the US would "put an end to it." There is indeed now no longer a Nord Stream 2; somebody put an end to it, a somewhat more permanent end than the one brokered diplomatically with Germany, ensuring NS2 was never operational from the time Russia intervened in Ukraine until the day explosions rocked the Baltic Sea, ensuring it would stay in-operational for the foreseeable future. Where anti-Russian sanctions had been successful at shutting down NS1, it eventually took far more severe measures to “put a end to [Nord Stream 2],” at least one promise the Biden Administration apparently managed to keep.

Readers should of course draw their own conclusions, but it is little wonder that so many people are pointing the finger at the US, specifically US special forces and/or intelligence services, as the most likely culprit of this strategic act of terror.

So who benefits most from this act of terror? Obviously, the USA far more than Russia, but more than either of these parties, and more than Ukraine and Poland or any other state government, it is the globalist technocrats who benefit the most, the hierarchy of the global ruling class and its agenda to usher in a totalitarian global technocracy.

As Off Guardian columnist Kit Knightly writes - in Forget the blame game, Nordstream Sabotage is about the Great Reset & nothing else. - no matter who exactly planted the explosives, "the Nordstream explosion was definitely an act of sabotage."

The same sabotage we’ve been seeing for two years.

The sabotage of our entire way of life, by people who would profit both monetarily and politically from a sea-change in the way our society is structured.

The sabotage that leads to faking a pandemic, gutting our healthcare, locking us in our homes and ruining our businesses.

The sabotage of our economy, our society and our very bodies.

The sabotage of us, by them.

They are the ones behind endless provocation after provocation that continually drive the planet ever closer and closer to world war, the leaders on the world stage and their operatives simply puppets doing the dirty work of their masters, whether they know it or not; and this act of sabotage may well go down in history as one of the major shots fired leading to the eventual eruption of all-out world war. So as Europe's economic crisis continues to worsen, the US government continues to arm and support the Kiev neo-nazis and their campaign of terror against the populations of the Donbass Republics, our leaders and media continue their perpetual campaign of deception, and world leaders daily inch us perilously closer and closer to the precipice of World War 3; what's left to say, but 'Thank you, USA'?

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