Old truths, laws, friends, books and wine are best.

This parable by polish is a verity in this age even though the minds of men is not set upon this fact. Though it is true that as life evolves the people should keep up to civilization, but this idea of men has been over emphasized In such that many ground rules that maintains purity in soul and attitude, and laying boundaries and extents for life activities are slowly slipping off considerations.

Some even consider the laws of the old relevant in those days because the people then where over emotional in religious matters in that there where still young in existence to see things In a more broad sense.

Well, true or not i believe that the laws they obeyed, the lifestyle they held onto, and those belief they deemed to be Truth didn't just pop out of nowhere because they where those that walked the earth before now and had life experiences we may never have, passing through the fire of being the firsts In the jungles.

If we are to judge concerning this matter in my own point of view, I would say that we should have to consider the quality of existence in that 'is life getting better as time ages or are we scaling lower in good things compared to their days as we lay aside the ancient ways?

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