Graphene Oxide Found in anesthetics used in odontology

This information just came to light and has extremely important implications.

Graphene Oxide seems to play a major role in the agenda being rolled out and there is speculation about why it is found in the COVID19 experimental jabs.
It is also believed that nano particles of this "smart" substance are also being sprayed on us via Chemtrails.
for reasons not yet completely understood, there is a very strong push to get it in as many of us as possible.

while in the case of the jabs we could still have a choice, none of us can avoid going to a dentist in some point in time.
this findings show, that like in the case of the COVID19 jabs, dentist do not know about the presence of the substance in the anesthetics they treat their patients with (it is not specified in the ingredients).
also, that shows us that the whole Pharmaceutical cartel is in it, not only the names making the COVID19 jabs.

following is a Telegram video showing the results of analysis of four different brands.

Reduced Graphene Oxide in local anesthetics used in odontology

The above video is originally in Spanish and is available with subtitles to Italian, Portuguese, French and German

It is also important to state that in a separate analysis, Graphene was also found in a schedule vaccine NEISVAC C (Meningitis).

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