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Cannon Fodder Chronicles: As Russians Burn German Made Tanks, The AFU Units Mutiny, Refuse Fighting and Plead For Help

It's been over 80 years since the Russians destroyed the first Panzer tanks, now again, German Made Tanks are being used to attack Russians and while the Russians destroy the wunderwaffe from a distance the Attacking AFU are left to plead for help after abandoning the fight:

Subtitled Plea of AFU Soldier Sent To Get Slaughtered in Zaporozhye

  • stupid cannon fodder, his own words
  • no artillery support
  • one tank, no weapons

Another Subtitled Plea of AFU Soldiers Sent to Slaughter in Zaporozhye Failed Offensive

  • told to retreat despite not making contact with enemy after the Commander claiming the enemy was attacking
  • 5 hours of relentless bombing by the Russians, not one mortar was fired in response/support by their side
  • no communication with the supporting units
  • told that they'd be swapped with another unit, turns out they were instead absorbed into a whole different unit, reconstituted
  • sent to combat without one bottle of water
  • no combat kits prepared
  • IFV they were supposed to use for deployment littered with trash
  • told they'd go into a village that was allegedly abandoned by the Russian Forces
  • the Russians were still there and shelling them with mortars from across the street
  • no fire support form their side, forced to evacuate
  • refusing to fight under their command
  • thrown into suicide attacks, they were deceived by their command
  • they don't trust the commanders
  • surrendered their weapons and waiting for the military prosecutors office to contact them
  • treated like meat
  • and much more

Here is another such pleading from a different AFU offensive unit:

Subtitled Appeal of AFU 37th Brigade - They Were Sent To Get Slaughtered In Failed Zaporozhye Raid

◾️servicemen of the 37th Brigade were defeated on the battlefield near the village of Novodonetske, they filmed numerous appeals, claiming the incompetence of their command. The AFU managed to partially take control of the settlement on the first day of the offensive; but after several hours of heavy battles, they retreated and the village came back under the control of Russian forces.

◾️According to the appeal of the 505th battalion of the 37th Brigade, only 130 servicemen survived out of 450 fighters sent to counterattack. They refused to fight under the command of those who used them as cannon fodder and did not bother to cover their attack with artillery and other means.

Meanwhile Bradley and Leopards are blown up by Russian Forces before they even have a chance to attack:

Footage of destruction of 1 Leopard 2(a4) and 3 damaged.

Situation in Zaporozje line is like this for 5 days already. They rush in columns toward Russian forward positions, gain some ground, gets bombarded, Russians recapture land.

After 5 days of fighting Ukrainian trooops didnt managed to capture and hold even one village. Based on video confirmation, we have photos of 100+ tanks/armored vehicles destroyed.

Russian aviation is playing major role in this battle, 15 su34 with guided bombs operates non stop. + Su25, Ka52 and others.

Most of fighting is taking place in Russian forward position, in other words Ukrainians didnt managed to reach first real defensive line with dragons teeth, anti tank ditches and fortifications.

Russians have large amount of reserves in this direction and it will be very difficult for ukrainian trooops to achieve major breakthrough.

Currently Ukrianian armed forces used about half of their assault brigades, they started transfering reserves from Herson direction.

Previous Chronicles:
Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Ukranazi No Retreat Execution Caught by Drone

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Truth Dawning

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Testimony of AFU Degradation

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Project Much Kivv?

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: AFU Wives Block Road

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Kivv Offensive Begins?

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: One Million Men Later, Ukraine still needs more!

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Kidnapped And Sent Immediately To Bakhmut Without Any Training

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Surprise, You're In Bakhmut!

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Murderous Criminal Ukrainian Commanders

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Refusing To Die For Bakhmut

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Mother of Soldier Beaten To Death By Cops In Ukraine

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Till The Last Ukrainian

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Disturbing Ukrops Smiling While Living With Numerous Dead Fellow Soldiers

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: The International Fraudster Legion

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Another AFU Unit Refuses To Deploy

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Assaulted For Speaking The Truth

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Speaking The Truth Has Consequences In Ukraine

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Another Mainstream Media Report On Horrendous Attrition Level Of The AFU

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Join The AFU, Become A Soulless Slave

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Into the Bakhmut Cauldron

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Bakhmut AFU Vacation

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Destroying the Bakhmut Myths and Fairytales

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: The AFU Destruction in Bakhmut

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Mainstream Media finally joins the partee, half a year later!

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: You're Still Alive Ain't You, Great-grandpa?

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Women To The Front!

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Ukretards Publicize Themselves Burying Alive Soldier Who Allegedly Refused to Fight

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Refusing Not Because They Don't Want To Fight, But Because They Don't Want To Die

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Resorting to Conscripting 16 Year Olds and Kidnapping for Fresh Meat

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Mutiny Continues

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Calling it Quits, another unit says good game and goes home!

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Worried Commander says No to Starlink for His Troops

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Abandoned Unit with no Equipment or Support Refuse Orders

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Company Commander and Platoon Commander suddenly fall ill when they find out they're heading to Bakhmut

Cannon Fodder Chronicles: The Pleading Resumes, more Ukrop Refuse to fight!

Cannon Fodder Threatening Naze-Lensky

The Cannon Fodder Chronicles Keep Growing

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