Hive Power-Up Day (Hospital Dramas, Worry and Fear)

Title image incorporating digital art I made for the LMAC 100th edition Anniversary.

Well, another first of the month has come around which I guess means HPUD (hive power-up day).

I have added 107.69 HP to my powered-up hive from post earnings this month, which is not too shabby ๐Ÿ™‚

And today I powered up 20.988 hive to HP which is all I can really afford to do at the moment as money is seriously tight.

Our shity government here in the UK seem to be determined to drive people to destitution through hyperinflation and lies about a stronger economy through the free market.

Lies, lies, lies, lies.

Fckn 'cost of living crisis'... my arse.

More like 'cost of Brexit' crisis.

Or 'cost of money-grubbing politicians shorting the pound crisis'.

Anyway, I'm not really in the headspace for banging on about the wonders of the hive blockchain, to be honest.

Last night my amazing girlfriend was taken to hospital with pain in her throat so bad that she can't even open her mouth let alone swallow or speak.

A selfie of us together on a day trip to Anglesey last summer.

After 9 hours of waiting in A+E, unable to swallow and therefore unable to eat or drink, without any pain medication other than paracetamol through a drip, she was finally sent to another hospital where there is a throat specialist who can see her.

Apparently, they are bouncing her around from one department to another at the moment, uncertain what is wrong with her. But at least the poor woman has got an antibiotic drip and the morphine that she needed to at least make the pain bearable while she is undergoing assessment.

Some digital art I made for her when we first met.

The reason for her long wait in A+E - sat in pain and misery unable to communicate because she didn't have a pen and pad to even let the nurses know how severe her pain was - comes down to one simple FACT.

The NHS has been systematically underfunded, and departments tendered out to private-sector medical companies to pay for the financial mistakes of 2008.

Spending on health care has historically grown by about 4 per cent each year in real terms in the UK. This is due to a combination of factors including a growing and ageing population, rising patient expectations and medical and technological advances. Like other nations, we have chosen to pay for this by prioritising investment in our health system from the proceeds of economic growth.
In the decade following the global financial crisis in 2008, the health service faced the most prolonged spending squeeze in its history: between 2009/10 and 2018/19 health spending increased by an average of 1.5 per cent per year in real terms, well below the long-term average.

Beyond all the political smokescreen, media chatter and spin it is absurdly simple.

Public services in the UK, including the NHS, have been underfunded to pay for the 2008 financial crash, instead of the rich hedge funds, private individuals (millionaire and billionaire investors) and immoral politicians who empowered banks with free reign to create such a crisis in the first place paying for their mistakes.

I'm not going to debate the intricacies of capitalism here - but when I hear lies claiming that the suffering which my girlfriend has had to go through, and many others suffer with long waiting times etc, is down to mismanagement or inefficiency rather than a systemic campaign to destroy the NHS through underfunding - well, it is time to call bullshit.

That's me for now.

I'm waiting on a text telling me I can visit her, and pick up her 18 yr old son to go see his mum. I'm not even sure if I have enough money in the bank to fill up the car with petrol, to be honest.

I'm exhausted from worry and don't have the time or energy to do a deep dive into my past history of hive power-ups, earnings etc to share my hive journey on this post.

Maybe another day.

Today, I have more important things to deal with, and someone I love to comfort.

Thanks for reading ๐ŸŒฟ

And happy HPUD.


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