HIVE POWER UP DAY 1.july #PUD and 6th #PUM done 👍


Hi everyone and congratulations with happy power up day! 😃

June is over, I think it whent fast, summer is here and time fly. Keeping up the track record with our sixth power up month done, written in stone on the blockchain hehe. Met some new people in different communities and had fun watching and commenting on posts. In real life, I bought a new phone, it's summer, I'm going to take a week vacation soon, looking forward to that. Sorry to ramble on, here are some stats. 🚀


Beat almost last month, had a total of 3.2% increase in hive power vs 3.4% previous month. I'm happy as long as it stays above 3% per month, that's 30%+ a year. To ensure 10k hp for Christmas, it is accumulated when hive is oversold. It's nice to keep a little liquid hive and you usually get to buy twice a year. See my TA below. And we are finally half way through the annual author badge too, nice. 😃


Including my TA thoughts, as I want to track my ideas. In previous post I where talking about

got red direction, fell through and saw $0.34 for now, are we seeing a new low or will $0.31 hold? The reason was probably as mentioned in the previous post, Bitcoin might want to test 25k, it saw a retest and dragged the market with it. If we don't hold $0.31 as mentioned, Il look for $0.25 and a nice buying opportunity to present itself.

We saw $0.27 for now and tapped into my buyzone, as long as we make a higher low compared to januar low at $0.24 we might form an inverse head & shoulder and a reversal rally is in the cards. Short term im looking for $0.38 to hit, if overcome then $0.48-0.7. If we see a new low we will most likely print another bullish divergence as previous and get our 3rd setup for adding.. Again, it depends on Bitcoin. See my TA on BTC here.


Happy PUD and PUM, see you next month. Have a great weekend. Bye! 😃

Read about:
Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2023 and more info about PUD at @hivebuzz

My previous powerup post:
HIVE POWER UP DAY 1.june #PUD and 5th #PUM done

Would love to see you in our weekly street art contest:
CCC's Street Art Contest #150 | 100% Liquid Payout and ecency points as Prize Pool & Winners of #149



Kristiansand, Norway

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