HIVE POWER UP DAY 1.june #PUD and 5th #PUM done 👍


Hi everyone and congratulations with happy power up day! 😃

Then the month of May was over, a long month but it seems to have gone very quickly. Made it through all the days again without missing a single powerup, so then the fifth powerup month was done. Ready to take the sixth one too, are you in? And here are some stats again. 🚀


Am happy, beat last month with a total of 3.4% increase on the Hive power. Getting excited about the 6 month, half way through the annual author badge too, still in the fight for it. 😃


Including my TA thoughts, as I want to track my ideas. In previous post I where thinking..

contracted into a pennant shown in orange, usually contraction leads to expansion so I expect a big move very soon, up or down time will tell. Just waiting for trend direction as shown, green or red example. If we break up looking for 0.55 and 0.7 and to the downside 0.31 first if it breaks then we will test our lows around 0.25. It depends on BTC imo

We got red direction, fell through and saw $0.34 for now, are we seeing a new low or will $0.31 hold? The reason was probably as mentioned in the previous post, Bitcoin might want to test 25k, it saw a retest and dragged the market with it. If we don't hold $0.31 as mentioned, Il look for $0.25 and a nice buying opportunity to present itself. Hive has given 2 fine trades in 1 year. Looking for the same, an oversold bullish divergence in RSI as the 2 previous setups. Will we get our 3rd? Again, it depends on Bitcoin. See my TA on BTC here.


Happy PUD and PUM, see you next month. Have a great week. Bye! 😃

Read about:
Hive Power Up Day - June 1st 2023 and more info about PUD at @hivebuzz

My previous powerup post:
HIVE POWER UP DAY 1.may #PUD and 4th #PUM done

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Kristiansand, Norway

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