It's Hive Power-Up Day! for September 2023 (Hint: Read to the End of the Post)

Another Hive Power-Up Day is upon us!

Yes I know it is still yesterday in some parts of the world. Don't be confused. Hive Power-Up Day uses UTC time, so it started about 10 minutes ago as of this posting.

If time zones confuse you, this is my favorite time zone conversion site, but you can also go to the Hivebuzz page, login, and they will show you a countdown clock. But basically it started a few minutes before I posted this.

If you have at least 10 Hive that you can power-up, you will get a badge from doing so. I mean, sure, badges are a little silly, but they are a fun perk. Think of them as achievements in your favorite game. If you are under level 70 then you might get some big rewards for powering-up as well, like a lot of Hive in delegations. Alas! I'm over level 70, so no rewards for me. But it's ok, I enjoy supporting the platform.

I powered-up 100. In addition, I've been powering up 5 Hive everyday, so that makes my total 255. Still less than I'd like, but it is something. That puts me at 17,816.52. Too far from my goals of 25k, but it is getting closer.

Growing stronger!! Soon to be a whale!! (someday)

If you miss out don't worry, there will be another next month. But that next month will be here before you know it. I suggest following @hivebuzz and/or @traciyork so you will be reminded a few days before the next one.

At any rate, if you are still reading, I have a contest for you! Let's do a quick amidakuji. A special HPUD amidakuji! If you don't know what that is, read here. (Gak, the photos on that post are still broken. I'm done using Ecency. Their image hosting breaks far far too often.)

Here is a board I just drew out. 9 spots.

Pick a line, any line. In a few days, I'll uncover the middle and we will follow the lines to see who wins. I wrote down 5 HSBI there at the bottom but if multiple people pick the winner I will increase the HSBI until it divides evenly.

Give me your picks in the comments!

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.
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