The role of grandparents in the education and health of our family life

Words more or words less, the truth is that I remember reading a phrase that captured my attention says something like this, everyone must have access to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a complete human, the phrase in question caught my interest as we are social animals and species fulfill phases and I really liked to assume that to be a complete human I must be a grandparent.

The role of grandparents in the family is key, as they say that grandparents end up loving their grandchildren more than their own children, and if you ask me, I think this statement may be true in some way, first because they build such a close relationship that even the permissiveness and complicity, which perhaps they never had with their children, becomes law with their grandchildren.

And secondly, because I think that the role of grandparents goes far beyond taking care of children when parents can't or are away on a trip, because in my opinion grandparents are those wise people who transmit values, teach knowledge, new experiences and a lot of love.

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From my own experience I have no doubt that grandparents bring that warmth, love and pampering that only they know how to give, they also know how to educate very well, because they do it from the perspective of having already gone through that stage.

In homes, or rather in those families where there are grandparents, there is a greater possibility of uniting and opening spaces of true love and solidarity, which is why grandchildren who grow up with the figure of wonderful beings are enriched emotionally to a great extent.

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By @glassblock

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