Lecturer and Students Hold Accounting Goes to School |

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Lecturers and students of the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Malikussaleh Aceh, Indonesaia, held an “Accounting Goes to School”. This activity is an effort to promote the Accounting Study Program to high school students.

The Head of the Goes to School Accounting Team, Dr. Murhaban, said that this activity was to introduce the Accounting Study Program to high school students. "We convey some of the advantages of the Accounting Study Program and explain why children have to study there," said Murhaban, Monday, Febryary 15, 2021.

According to him, Accounting Goes to School was held at SMK Negeri 1 Lhokseumawe on Saturday, February 13. There were a number of lecturers from the Accounting Study Program; Indrayani MSi Ak CA, Nurhasah MSi Ak, Mursidah MSi Ak CA, and Yunina MSi Ak CA. "In addition, there are a number of students who take part in the Accounting Goes to School activities," continued Murhaban.

It is planned that on Tuesday (16/2/2021), similar activities will take place at SMA Negeri 1 Dewantara and after that, it will be held in a number of other schools in North Aceh, Lhokseumawe, and several nearby districts/cities. "Apart from that, we also held promotional and socialization activities on radio and social media," said Murhaban.

Some of the advantages of the Accounting Study Program, in addition to the teaching staff who are mostly doctors, the Accounting Study Program has also collaborated with a number of institutions including the BNSP certification exam in the field of Accounting expertise, Zahir Accounting certification, MYOB Accounting, CPA Center, Tax Center, and the Indonesian Stock Exchange Corner.

Cooperation has also been strong with various government and private agencies as well as BUMN. In addition, there is a student creativity center that can be followed according to their respective talents and interests such as the Accounting Study Club, arts, religious/spiritual studies, and debate coaching by the Accounting Student Association (Himatansi).

Students of the Accounting Study Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Malikussaleh University have for 5 consecutive years entered the national level in the NUDC debate competition. Students are also involved in various studies by lecturers.

"This collaboration is in accordance with the concept of the Free Curriculum to provide experience, competence, and networks to alumni," added Indrayani who was also the speaker in the activity.

Lecturers and students also explained a number of scholarships that can be obtained when studying at the Malikussaleh University Accounting Study Program, both for scholarships for underprivileged students and high-achieving students.

“The children are very enthusiastic about the socialization and promotion. Moreover, according to them, there has been no such activity, ”said Indra again.

The students who took part in Accounting Goes to School were the Chairman of the Accounting Student Association, Andi Muhammad Reza. He delivered material about organizations in the Accounting Study Program. Other Himatansi members were also present; Bustami Usman, Ridha Firdaus, Dinda Aulia, Rizky Amanda, and Wanda Novia. [ayi]

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