Balance before the fell

I’ve been in lots of road accidents in my life, from the funniest to the most horrible ones and somehow I always survived without serious injuries. Some of them left some funny memories which popped into my head from time to time and I think to myself only I can get myself into these silly accidents like falling from the rickshaw several times.

Yeah! I’m the clumsy type of person when it comes to maintaining my physical balance while riding a rickshaw. I’ve always been told to sit tight while riding a bumpy road, but I did the opposite.
As I sat on the rickshaw seat and it started moving across the light breeze, I feel like I’m leaving everything behind and moving forward with the speed of the wind and that’s how I let my guard down and sometimes ended up falling from the rickshaw while my knees, elbow or the palm of my hand kiss the hard concrete road real hard.

There is this one time on a rainy day, I and a friend of mine was returning home from school and both of us were admiring the rain, and then BAM. You know the rickshaw drivers in Dhaka, I don’t know what type of satisfaction they have when they hit the back side of the other rickshaw.

I fell and landed on the ground while maintaining the Mardala style from Dev Das and my friend broke her jaw in the process of kissing the road. It was a super hilarious and embarrassing situation, though the road wasn’t that busy at that time, still, a few people were doing their business and some of them came running to help us.
I still sometimes broke into laughter remembering that day.

But thankfully I fixed that dangerous habit in real time or I’ll be cursing at myself now in my grave for not seat properly on the rickshaw.

Also, when I was 7, I and my elder brother landed on a garbage dump along with his stupid bicycle.
I have always hated that stupid bicycle, probably because of its colour, I mean who in the world would put so many colours on a single bicycle like red, yellow, magenta, and baby pink, and who will be in their right mind to buy this ugly-looking bicycle?

Ah! Yeah, it was my brother.

I’ve never been that much happy when his bicycle got stolen. Then again some people have some weird taste.

My brother was learning to ride a bicycle, and he wanted to know if he can drive the bicycle accurately along with someone in the back seat. So what is the sweetest option?
Go grab your little sister and if she refused to go just blackmail her by saying that you will pull every baby tooth at once, ignoring the fact that she was already traumatized from two teeth that came out one at a day.

Eventually, I agreed thinking about what can be worse than pulling my every tooth at once.
And instantly I regretted my decision, I should have made complained about that blackmail to my grandpa when I have the chance.

I took a 1-hour bath after coming home and that evening I took my anger on one of my neighbour's kids who were younger than me. Don’t ask what I did, it’s still embarrassing to remember.

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