Snowpiercer - Hard Training

I had noticed Snowpiercer on Netflix, but was not sure if it was something I would be into. In the end I gave it a go and I am glad I did.

The show is based on a 2013 film that was a comic adaptation. I am not sure I heard about it at the time.

The Earth has become uninhabitable after humans cause a new ice age that no life can cope with. A few thousand people board a massive train created by billionaire Mr Wilfred that can keep them alive as long as it keeps moving. It is not really explain why they have to do that, but it makes for a contained society where we get to see stories of class and control.

The story starts with a murder investigation and the only qualified detective is one of the 'tailies' who managed to storm the train before it left, but are restricted to squalid quarters and tolerated for their labour. They are subject to a brutal regime led by head of hospitality Melanie Cavill who is the only conduit to the reclusive Mr Wilford.

It is very gritty with lots of bloody violence and a bit of sex. It reminded me a little of Game of Thrones, but does not have quite the same budget. The train sets are pretty well done and there are a fair few of them, but the outside views are fairly basic.

The cast is pretty good with a few weaker characters. You get to know them and feel for them, but some may not last long. I hardly knew any of the actors, but nice to see a few Brits.

The story plays with class structure ranging from the rich who get a full carriage down to the tailies who have very little. Order is kept by a squadron of 'jackboots' and punishments are severe. The train has everything from farms to a giant aquarium and a nightclub that may also be a brothel. When we join them they have been travelling for seven years with little sign of ever being able to have any other life.

Sean Bean shows up in season two as the star name and really relishes being the baddie. We get to see several different people lead the train with different ways of operating, but it is always a tough job with hard decisions to be made.

It seems two more seasons are planned. We may get to meet more new characters. I am tempted to check out the movie to see how it differs.

I am still puzzled about the need for and viability of a train that circumnavigates a frozen world and why nobody else could find other ways to survive underground or in space. In most fantasy you have to suspend belief to some extent.

I just watched the first episode of Loki on Disney+. That looks like it could be fun. It has some parallels with The Umbrella Academy with a shadowy organisation that protects the time line. I also want to see the second series of Norwegian fantasy show Ragnarok on Netflix.

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