Double world [2020]


Hello friends, I'm here with another fascinating movie I watched titled Double World and I would like to share with you here.

The movie is about a fictional universe comprising ten nations. Seeing the neighboring country become more and more powerful, a warlord organizes a competition to reveal the best warriors.

It begins In the fictional Central Plains continent, the kingdoms of Southern Zhao and Northern Yan have been locked in a fierce conflict.

An assassination attempt on the King of Southern Zhao reignites the war. However, Southern Zhao is lacking a Field Marshal.

At Grand Tutor Guan's suggestion, a tournament is held to find a new one, with each of the eight clans of Southern Zhao sending three warriors to compete.

In the Qingyuan clan, Chu Hun, known as a “deserter” among the villagers and Dong Yilong, a young orphaned thief and a third warrior are selected.

While traveling, the three are attacked by giant scorpions- Yilong and Hun surviving, but the third warrior being killed.

He explains to Yilong that he and his brother fought in a previous war against Northern Yan- Hun's entire fighting force, having been killed by Northern forces after Grand Tutor Guan refused to send reinforcements and afterward being labelled as a deserter for being the only survivor.

Grand Tutor Guan secretly meets with Wu Yang, a representative from Northern Yan revealing that he had actually been a double agent for Northern Yan, scheming to take down the other kingdom from the inside.

He and Dong encounter a young girl trying to steal a totem from another clan, who unintentionally flees her pursuers while being blown away in a sandstorm.

They arrive in the capital city, meeting with the rest of the tournament contestants, along with the lady who gets in (and loses) a fight over her stolen totem.

He reveals to Yilong that he intends to kill Grand Tutor Guan for causing his brother's death. While searching for someone to replace their third team member, She tricks him into buying a Northern slave.

Unable to find anyone else, They begrudgingly let her represent the Qingyuan clan's third member. While sleeping, He catches their new slave attempting to kill him.

She explains her name is Binu and was the daughter of a commander who Hun's brother killed. He promises to let her kill him once he kills Grand Tutor Guan.

The tournament begins-during the first challenge, each clan must traverse a web of chains while tied to their team members.

Meanwhile, the Zixuan clan, Qingyuan clan, and Falcon clan manage to win the round, the rest of the clans being branded as losers and being sent to return home.

He comes face to face with Grand Tutor Guan but decides not to kill him to not have the rest of the Qingyuan clan fail.

The three are attacked by the contestants of another clan, secretly commissioned by Grand Tutor Guan to attempt and kill them before they can reach the finals. She’s now free, returns to her old slave master to free other enslaved women.

The tournament's second challenge is to steal an egg from the lair of the “Beast King”- a snake-like monster bred for war by Southern Zhao with a crown-like headpiece embedded into its scalp.

After the end of the previous war, the monster was abandoned in a mountain. Jinggang accidentally poisons Hun with a flower.

Too weak to walk, he explains to his team members there is a cure inside the mountain. The Falcon clan manages to steal the egg but are chased by the Beast King and drop it.

They grab the egg and are pursued by the Beast King, managing to collect the cure for Hun's poison in the process.

The monster eventually gets stuck in a tunnel. Realizing the Beast King is in pain from its headpiece, Yilong helps remove it.

After he promises to bring the egg back after the competition, the monster leaves the group alone.

Grand Tutor Guan explains to the three contestants that they will have to kill each other for the honor of being Field Marshal.

While debating who deserves to win, a hooded woman approaches the group, taking them to the magical “Mystic Forest” where she tells them all their problems will be solved.

The voice of Yilong's late father explains that he is the heir to the throne of Northern Yan and shall bring balance to the Central Plains.

He, enraged his team members is from Northern Yan, storms off, with Jinggang following. She meets him in the woods, explaining that she realized she had been more trapped by her hatred of Southern Zhao than her literal chains.

Having changed his mind, He goes back to find his team members. Jinggang is attacked by Grand Tutor Guan's lackeys in the woods. He attempts to save her, but she is killed and his is captured.

Find out what happened next on Netflix after Grand Tutor Guan Killed her, and he was captured as the movie gets more interesting.

Thanks for reading my post.

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