
Name - Snowpiercer
Released - 2013
Director - Bong Joon-ho

It was recommended to me in the comments of one of my previous posts and I got round to finish watching the movie yesterday on Netflix. I've also started watching the newer Netflix series too, which I will give my verdict on another post, however, back to the film. I didn't know what to expect, it is classified as a post-apocalyptic movie and it also seemed to be a bit of a hack-n-slash movie at times ala Kill Bill. However, I really love the genre! The post apocalyptic thrillers are pretty in rage at the moment and I think this film rates right up there with some great action.

It has quite an interesting apocalyptic twist to this one, not in the soylent green style or zombification of the world through a virus, but the climate change theme here, which is all the rage at the moment. Quite funnily, up steps the hockey stick scientists with a cure and cause an ice age which is pretty cool. You get some cool shots of the supposed cloud seeding that is going on and yeah, I do wonder if they wanted to admit to so much in a film. How much of the weather manipulation is really science fiction? Who knows.

The film gets even more interesting as you see the awesome train and like a typical episode of Downtown Abbey, the people are falling into their ranks according to their class or wealth. The film has some really cool ideas that it explores with many cool characters.

There are some top stars in the film like Ed Harris, John Hurt and Tilda Swinton who is brilliant in most things she does. Most give stellar performances. I was really surprised to see people living so well considering they are on a train non-stop and don't go outside. It reminds me of the covid times and not going out very much.

I really liked that the train travels around the world in 1 year, travelling the different parts of the world and people can see some different views but only once each year. I was thinking how they might be able to deal with any leaves or things on the tracks and who might do the maintenance.

The film did not have any dull moments for me, either you were seeing an interesting new part of the train or there was a great fighting action scene. This leads onto one of my favorite scenes in the film where the train is going around a bend and (albeit unrealistically), the good and bad guys have a shoot out against each other!

I generally like these post-apocalyptic films, so for me it was quite an enjoyable plot and a different twist to the usual fayre in this genre. I have now started the new netflix TV series and am interested to see how this compares to the film. It seems to go in a different direction and I really face-palmed the first episode so far as it reminds me of Ice-T in Law & Order, but on a train LOL. I hope it gets better.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

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