Vegan Blueberry Whipped Cream...Sort of.

I'd love to tell you how to make Soy based whipped cream.

Right now I have a sore tooth and can't eat solid food. I have been drinking a lot of smoothies and then I read about soy whipped cream. Sounded yummy...low fat, high protein, with some sugar and berries.

Except it didn't exactly turn out.

What I ended up with was really tasty and, well, a pleasant surprise. However, I'm not sure what to call it. It's not whipped cream, not meringue, not a mousse... So, I'll explain what I did and you judge for yourself.

I shouldn't start with the final product but here it is:

Thinner than whipped cream, thinner than mouse, about the consistency of a light milkshake and not dissimilar in taste..

As you can see it holds its shape so it could be added on top of a pie or tart however it doesn't hold it well enough to add a lot to a pie or tart.

I tried to drink it in a glass but it was just too thick for that.

Let's start at the beginning though.

Starting with Soy Beans

I started with 2/3rd cup of dried soy beans. I'm quite certain you know how to soak them overnight and after soaking I am left with this:

Place that in a blender

Add one liter of water.

And blend on high for one minute

Congratulations you have made a Soy Bean slurry.

Separating the soluble from insoluble.

Now the slurry has all the parts of the bean in it. The water has the water soluble protein, sugars, and other good soy bean stuff. The solid bits left in the water are the insoluble protein and the fiber. To continue on we need to separate the two by using a nutmilk bag.

A little gentle encouragement and squeezing and all the liquid ends up in the crock pot while all the solids are left in the bag.

The liquid portion is what I will be working with today. Usually I would add sugar and vanilla, let it sit for a couple hours in the crock pot and tada I have soy milk.

Side note: The solid portion left over in the bag is also useful. Especially once it is dried! Here's an image of me placing it into a dehydrator to make Okara. However, that will be used in some biscuits in a different post. More on that later. Now back to the soy milk.

I did let the soy milk sit in the crock pot on high for about 4 hours uncovered but it was taking forever to simmer down. So, I transferred to a larger pot and onto the range it went at medium heat. I had to stir constantly because it would bubble over if I did not.

Half an hour with constant stirring and the soy milk was thickening to the point of being soy cream (fancy name for thickened soy milk). Now I've never made soy cream before so I was only guessing how far it needed to be boiled down.

I decided it was time and weighed it.

Usually I would be making about 1.5l of soy milk but at just over 800g I'm assuming I condensed it down by about half.


Now I've read the to make whipped cream the ingredients need to be cold. Especially important when dealing with low fat concentration. Now this is going to be very very low fat concentration and relying only on the protein in the soy to thicken. My thought: I wanted it to be very cold.

I have a fridge that is great for just that.

It allows me to set the temperature to within 1 degree and I can freeze or cool. I decide on -2C so it will get really cold without freezing.

and I add the blender as well so it is cold as well.

The next morning its time to blend and see what happens.

It is pretty promising when I pour out the soy cream. It is certainly thick although the consistency...not so great.

added 1/3 cup of sugar.

1 tbsp of vanilla

and 1/3 cup of frozen blueberries.

Now it's time to blend.

Two minutes on high blend setting and....

and this is what I got.

I'm not too sure what to think actually.

I was hoping for a whipped cream like product and I certainly didn't get that. It was much lighter and much more delicate than a whipped cream.

Then there was the taste.

It was really quite good and needed to be eaten with a spoon couldn't drink it.

Absolutely needed some more sugar. Probably could have used some more berries. I might think of adding some thickener to make it just a little more solid or maybe just boil down a little further.

In the end...

A yummy...not smoothie....not whipped cream....not too sure what to call it.

But certainly pleasing taste.

Thanks for reading.

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