Enchilada-Style Burritos

In Mark's hometown, there was a restaurant called Tacos El Rey that he and his family and friends all loved to visit. One of their best menu options was what they called an "enchilada style" burrito. Basically, you take a burrito, cover it with enchilada sauce and cheese, and stick it under a broiler for a couple of minutes.

Why not just make enchiladas? Well, I guess technically, these sort of ARE enchiladas. Just really big enchiladas. It's a different taste. For example, we put Spanish rice, black beans, seasoned ground beef, and cheddar cheese on the inside of these. That's a lot more flavors and textures than you typically get in enchiladas.

Burritos are delicious!

Melty cheesey goodness

This is what they look like when they're finished. We just used a canned red enchilada sauce and shredded chihuahua cheese. That's the key is the chihuahua cheese. It tastes a lot different than using something like cheddar or even jack.

Covered in sauce and cheese

This isn't really a recipe, just an idea. You can make your own burritos... even frozen ones, if that's your thing. Just cover them in sauce and cheese and you're in for a treat.

Naked burritos. NSFW.

To make cleanup easy, we lined a big cast-iron skillet with foil and then sprayed it with a little bit of oil. When it was covered in sauce and cheese, the pan was put under a broiler for just long enough to melt the cheese and get it to start browning. It only took about 3 minutes, and the pan was in basically the center of our small-ish oven.

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