Homemade apple preserves

It is that time of year where the apple tree is starting to drop fruit like crazy, drunk crows can be found hopping about eating these fermented apples. And turkeys are seen picking at all the left overs. Before they were all gone, I pulled a few from the tree and made a few more things. One batch will be for apple preserves, and the other is for cider. Today I will show how I made preserves. And share the cider project in a later post.

Using a claw and post I collected many apples and started processing them. I leave the skin on but core out the apples.

A few pictures of them before I get started..looking real ripe.

Hopefully again next year I can make many more things.

I quarter the apples once cored. And put them in the food processor.

After some shredding done by the machine its all ready to be cooked down.

Need to scoop it all out, but before I do I run one more batch through. But this time for the juice.

The juice will be used later to make some cider.

Taking the apple slurry, I add a little water and cook it down for awhile. It changes to a darker color, and I add a 1/4 cup of sugar. I tried it without any sugar and it was pretty damn good, but a little extra just made it perfect.

I taste it and check its texture, its ready to be jarred.

Adding the preserves to many things is the way to go. I like to put it on bread, or just have a spoonful as a snack. Honestly these apples were so ripe I may have not even needed to add sugar, but a small amount probably helped it all come together anyways so its worth it.

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